Monday, April 03, 2006

Management & Efficiency Study Committee Meets

On March 29, at the Environ Cultural Center, many residents met at a Town Hall meeting, to give testimony to the Broward County Management & Efficiency Study Committee (MESC). The topic was emergency preparedness. There was a lively discussion relating to Hurricane Wilma, and the lessons to be learned from it.

Former State Representative, Stacy Ritter, the Chair of MESC, conducted the meeting, and heard comments relating to inspections, electrical outages, gas outages, flooding, and PODS, to name a few. Mayor Richard J. Kaplan was also present, providing his own comments and questions, plus answered questions posed by others relating to Lauderhill.

MESC is a Committee mandated to be created every 6 years, to examine the inefficiencies in County Government. Their term is two years, and will be presenting their Final Report to the Broward County Commission in June of 2006. Other topics for study have been, affordable housing, governance, growth management, service delivery, and transportation.

To find out more about the Committee, the following link is provided: Also you may call 954-357-8890.

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