Saturday, July 01, 2006

Notes From The Commission Meeting of 6/26/06

The Lauderhill City Commission met on June 26, 2006, and the following items of interest were on the agenda to act upon:


1) Recognition of the Children's Basketball Program;

2) Recognition of Keneishia Grant, FAMU student, who met with Gov. Bush to discuss the cost of college tuition;

Second Reading - Ordinances

1) Passed an Ordinance to Create a Charter Review Board. Appointments to be made by November, 2006, and the term shall be until May, 2008;

2) Increased the penalties for delinquent water & sewer bills, and unauthorized water connections.


1) Approved the procedure for a street to obtain speed humps along that street (Sponsored by Mayor Kaplan);

2) Approved authorization for matching funds, for a Cultural Facilities Grant, on renovations of Old City Hall located on 47th Avenue, to become the city historical museum;

3) Approved the award of Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds to Harmony Development, Starting Place, Women in Distress, YMCA, Girl Scouts, Center for Independent Living, Hope, totaling $109,491.

Quasi-Judicial Matters:

1) Approved 3 Special Exceptions to Broward County for the construction, operation and use of the Central Broward Regional Park (which now has been requested by Mayor Kaplan to be reconsidered at the next Commission Meeting, due to actions by the Broward County Commission).

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