Monday, July 10, 2006

Turnpike Exchange at Oakland Park Blvd. Update

The Turnpike Authority submitted to the Mayor a new study outlining several options for an interchange at Oakland Park Blvd. This new study opened up several new alternatives for different partial interchanges which need to be explored. The concern has been on preventing an additional traffic light on the top of the bridge on Oakland Park Blvd. There is hope that some agreement came be made for this project to go forward.


  1. Yiiiippppeee!!! Perhaps Florida Med will have more immediate access than via Commercial Blvd or Sunrise. This would be a huge plus for emergency patients brought in by ambulance. Let the plan go forward!!!

    A Lauderhill Turnpike interchange at Oakland with a large waterfall & statue of Gleason would certainly put Lauderhill on the map and be big boom to local businesses, property values & daily commuters.

    An ideal-perfect Oakland Interchange might be impossible but.... ANYTHING WOULD BE WELCOMED IMPROVEMENT and certainly be better than DANGEROUS gridlocks or double-decking of overloaded 56th Avenue to jammed Sunrise interchange.

  3. I have found that this subject is the one that receives the most comments. It is something that the public seems to have a keen concern on. Hopefully the issues can be resolved. Issues that even the public have pointed out. Once agreed upon, it will still take time to construct, but funding probably is not a problem for the turnpike.
