Saturday, July 29, 2006

Volunteers Needed

The City of Lauderhill has over the years been strongly supported by Volunteers. These Volunteers work in numerous departments providing needed assistance, have helped to run events, and also served on many of the city boards making decisions affecting the public. When serving on these boards, they also may be paid a small expenses fee for attending meetings.

If you are looking to help out our city by volunteering your time, please contact the City Clerk, 954-730-3010. If you wish to work on a board, you must also send your resume. To fax it to the city use: 954-730-3062. Most appointments to boards are by the Mayor and Commissioners, though some boards may have the authority to appoint some people to their board as well.

City Boards include, Charter Review Board (new with positions open), Planning and Zoning Board, Code Enforcement Board, ACT (Art, Cultural & Tourism) Board, Public Arts Board, Recreational Advisory Board, Civil Service Boards, Pension Boards, Nuisance Abatement Board, Unsafe Structures Board and Housing Board.

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