Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Mayor Attends Florida League of Cities Conference

Between August 10 to 12, Lauderhill Mayor Richard J. Kaplan, attended the Florida League of Cities Annual Conference. The purpose of the conference, besides determining its leaders for the next year, is to distribute and share information, impacting cities in Florida. Exhibits, Policy and other Committee Meetings, and Seminars are provided on a variety of matters.

During the trip, the following is a partial list of what the Mayor attended and provides a summary of information that may be of interest:

1) Florida League of Mayors Meeting - conducted 3 seminars and a general meeting. One of these meetings discussed the future economic outlook of Florida. While population growth rates are 2.2%, and per capita income is 4.5% for 2004, it is expected to be reduced in future years. Job growth rate is 3.5% and unemployment is 3.0%, which likewise could be affected by the recent change in the economy over time.

Employment is projected to grow 2.7% in 2006-7, declining to 2.5% in 2007-8. We are losing jobs in manufacturing, and that Professional and Business Services provide the most jobs. The highest wages are in Information.

Credit default is expected to increase dramatically, and the inflation rate is creeping up. Home sales and sales prices, while up previously, may decrease in the near future. At $3.00 gas threshold, it has had an affect on transportation and consumer decisions. Tax rolls for 2006 was up 25% from 2005, and is expected to be 9% the following year. However, Just Values of property could actually declined. The difference between the two are related to the Save Our Home Amendment which has a significant amount of unrealized tax value that has been capped, so that it does not reflect Just Value.

March/April 2006 appears to have been a turning point in the economy, for which more study is required to determine its long term affect.

2) Community Housing: Ensuring Development Success Through Education. A seminar was given on community housing programs and affordable housing. One program, that is being looked into is a Community Workforce Housing Grant Program.

3) Wi-Fi Deployment. This seminar provided a case study on St. Cloud, Florida, and how they implemented their city-wide free Wi-Fi system. The program not only spurred economic development, but also enhanced public safety, reduced cost of city services, and enhanced education. By providing free Wi-Fi service, residents saved about $437/year in internet access costs, which was about the same as their property tax from the city. The cost to install the system to residents were about $20-40 each computer, and service was similar to that of cable or DSL. Free support was provided, and workshops to help residents and businesses to connect. The cost savings to the city exceeded their annual cost of the system to maintain. Lauderhill is anticipating expanding its one free Wi-Fi spot to city wide in the 2007-8 budget.

4) Several grant programs were discussed, and were provided to city personnel to review.

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