Monday, August 28, 2006

State of Emergency Declared - Tropical Storm Ernesto

Dear Residents of the City of Lauderhill:

The City of Lauderhill has now declared a State of Emergency. Those on my Emergency E-mail Notification System have been getting regular updates. If you wish to be added, please e-mail me at, and request to be added.

Among other matters, it means that all roads throughout Lauderhill, whether private or not, are now public for purposes of this emergency. Any private road owners may opt out of this provision, however, then the private road owners will be responsible for any costs of debris removal after the emergency passes, and Lauderhill will not be able to pick it up. To date, no private road owners have opted out. No compensation shall be provided for this, other than to provide these special services to the area due to the emergency. Private road owners include homeowner associations, gated communities, apartment buildings and condominiums. The roads shall remain public until the passing of the emergency and the completion of any pickup of debris. This provision is provided to satisfy FEMA issues on reimbursement for pickups to the city and for other public health needs.

As to preparation, please add to the list of looking at the removal of exterior items which may become flying debris in strong winds.

The City of Lauderhill will be conducting is Regular Commission Meeting tonight, but has been requested to expedite any part of the meeting so that staff can continue with hurricane preparations. Therefore, with the consent of the Commission, items on Consent Agenda and items of critical concern, should be acted upon. Other items will be to the discretion of the Commission in how to proceed.

No news has been received on schools. However, based upon prior events, I would expect that school should be open today, and closed tomorrow. Evening activities in the schools are unknown as to whether they will proceed. Consult your school or other emergency sources. Keep in touch with our radio station for emergency information, 1650 AM WQFF. Signal of the station is within Lauderhill, and may extend out a few miles in each way.

Broward County has issued the following message:

The Broward County Emergency Operations Center has been activated in response to the threat posed by Tropical Storm Ernesto. The National Hurricane Center has placed Broward County under a Hurricane Watch. The Governor has issued an executive order placing the State of Florida under a State of Emergency and the Broward County Board of County Commissioners has declared Broward County under a Local State of Emergency effective 8 a.m. Monday, August 28, 2006.

Residents are strongly urged to take protective actions and begin to implement their hurricane plan today in preparation for the arrival of Tropical Storm Ernesto. Some steps you should take include:

1) Make sure you have ample supplies to last three to five days.
2) Determine if you live in an evacuation zone and if so, where you will evacuate if an evacuation order is given. Going to stay with family or a friend’s house is the best choice since shelters only provide for basic needs.
3) Assess your home for vulnerable areas. Do a walk-through of your home and property to evaluate necessary actions to take. Bring in patio furniture and loose items around your home.
4) Put gas in your car and have a supply of cash on hand in case of power outages.
5) Stay tuned to television and radio for public safety advisories issued from the Emergency Operations Center. Residents can call the Hurricane Hot Line at 954-831-4000 for the latest information on Tropical Storm Ernesto or visit

Very Truly Yours,

Richard J. Kaplan
Mayor, City of Lauderhill

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