Sunday, September 17, 2006

Notes of CRA and Commission Meeting of September 11

The Commission met, heard and acted upon the following items of particular interest:


1) Approve the tenatative budget for the upcoming year.
2) Authorized the CRA Director to proceed with necessary steps to acquire property located at 4037-4039 NW 19th Street.



1) Approved adopting a tentative property tax rate for next years budget of $6.02, plus $.631 assessment for repayment of the voter approved GO Bond. This is the same rates from this year.


1) The City recognized Principal Sevier of Paul Turner Elementary (C to A), Principal King of Larkdale Elementary (F to C) and Principal Phillips of Smart School (D to A), for increases in their FCAT scores at least 2 letter grades.
2) Received Principal Nesmith as the new principal for Lauderhill Middle School.
3) Received a $1000 scholarship to the Martin Luther King Task Force by the Oscar Thomas Foundation.


1) Approved a $3 million purchase of property on Oakland Park Blvd. (the site of the old Publix and CVS) for future construction of a new city hall.


1) Re-appointed Arnie Seldon to the Code Enforcement Board as a member, and appointed Theodore D. Taylor (who lives in the newly annexed area of Broward Estates) as an alternate member.
2) Approved rankings of the auditor for the city main accounts in the following order: Watson Rice, Harvey Covington, and Sharpton Burson.
3) Approved the construction and a mobile unit purchase on property for a temporary fire station on 31st Ave., to serve the new southeast side of the city. This was needed since the county failed to turn over the fire station in St. George on 31st Ave., for the city to use in servicing these new areas. Before annexation the county promised to turn over all county assets in those areas to the city, which we relied upon. The fire station, which we expected to be turned over, is an asset of the county, presently within the control with the Sheriff Department, which is a department of the county.


1) Tabled the Special Exception Application for Christ for the Nations Church, on property on Commercial Blvd. The table was because of two issues which may require variances first. One, if it is determined to be within 1 mile of another House of Religious Worship. Second, if it is determined to be a free standing building, as they stated it was in their testimony. Variance are heard before Special Exception Use Applications can be heard.

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