Thursday, October 19, 2006

Notes of the Regular Commission Workshop of October 16

Seven items came up for discussion. The following are highlights of some of the discussion:

1) Discussion on funds being made available to help storm damaged housing and red tagged housing. Federal funds of just over $1,500,000 was obtained. These funds will be for owner occupied properties, and it is hoped by mid November they will be available from the Federal Government. Applications and specific financial need conditions are required to be met to qualify and receive. If all qualified units apply, it is estimated there will be $2800/unit. The Commission will prioritize the allocation to use the money to try to resolve the most amount of repair problems as possible.

A significant amount of time was spent on discussing specifically about Stonebridge Gardens, and the major problems ongoing there with their insurance, construction and funding. Members from Stonebridge approached the city about finding monies to help with their reconstruction. The problem was the limited financial ability of the city, and the need throughout many areas of the city as well. However, we were agreeable to do what we could.

2) Because of the lack of security measurements required for the South Florida Broncos Football Team to conduct games at West Ken Lark Parks, the city has ceased future football games at the park. Practice may be conducted there, but not the games.

3) The road widening and walls on Pine Island Road is still being held up by the county. Originally we agreed to pay for 1/2 of the decorative wall. With the design and safety study by the county, it is no longer determined to be a decorative wall, but a required safety wall. Therefore, the county needs to pay for the entire wall, and the study shows the road must be widened for traffic needs. Also, reinforced walls, issues related to future repairs of the wall, and speed limits were also discussed. The possibility of restricting the road through the MPO process was also brought up. A resolution to address this matter will be drafted.

4) Discussion on a decorative fence along University Drive behind commercial business (north of 50th Street on the east side of the road). The cost of the fence would be $160,000.00. The recommendation by the City Manager was instead to put in landscaping, which would remove the viewing the residents were complaining of. The embankment is with engineering to redesign.

5) The next matter was on old City Hall and new City Hall. We are still in line to the cost and funding of the projects. Matters are proceeding.

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