Monday, November 06, 2006

Notes of Commission Meeting of October 30, 2006

The following is a summation of action by the City Commission which may of interest to residents:


1) Congratulations Awards to the members of the Lauderhill Angels Netball Team
2) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Award to the City of Lauderhill for the 16th consecutive year. (Note: Kennie Hobbs, the Finance Director has been named a finalist by the Florida League of Cities City of Excellence Award for Financial Officers)
3) Follow up on presentation by Vice Mayor Dale Holness on the Sister City relationship created with Falmouth, Trelawny, Jamaica


1) Ordinance amending regulations to create new requirements relating to "Dangerous Dogs," replacing the term "Vicious Dogs," to have the city code come into compliance with state law. Co-Sponsored by Mayor Richard J. Kaplan (also, substantially re-written by him from his original law written by him in the early 1990's) and Commissioner Howard Berger who requested it.

2) Approved Firefighter Union Contract for 3 years.


1) Approve a Letter of Agreement with Broward Community College and Lauderhill to provide non-credit continuing education classes for a fee, and free refugee classes through the Renew Program, to residents in city facilities.

2) Approved Memorandum of Understanding between Broward County Head Start Program and the City.

3) Declared the property known as the old City Hall at 2000 City Hall Drive as surplus property, making it available for sale or lease.

4) Declared the 1 acre parcel owned by the city adjacent to the Police Station on Oakland Park Blvd., as surplus, making it available for sale or lease.

5) Approved a resolution regarding the proposed widening of Pine Island Road to require action to take any and all actions necessary to protect and preserve the quality of life and value of housing impacted by the widening, and upon the failure of the county to address these needs, authorization to request the MPO to take action in preventing the widenining of the street.

6) Appointed members to the Charter Review Board. Vacancies still exist.

7) Approved First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with Broward County and Lauderhill CRA, for the funding in the amount up to $4,369,016, $3,000,000 to apply to acquisition an demolotion/clearing and up to $1,369,016 to be applied to roadway improvements.

8) Approved Interlocal Agreement between Broward County and Lauderhill CRA, for the funding in the amount up to $3,882,520 for the Central CRA, which consists up to $1,114,130 applied to the Linear Park ("Renaissance Park"), up to $2,768,390 toward roadway improvements on NW 56th Ave.


Set the Annual Retreat for January 12, 2007 at the Lauderhill Golf Center.

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