Sunday, December 03, 2006

Notes of Commission Workshop of November 20

The following are some of the discussions from the Regular Workshop of November 20:

1) Education Grant Program - we met with the Educational Advisory Board members to discuss allocation of the $100,000 education grant program created by the City Commission. Specifically as to a request for Boyd Anderson High School on a matching grant.

2) Lobbyist Agreement - a report was given on costs and success of federal lobbyist for the city. To date, we have not been successful in obtain federal grants, though there are some items still in the hopper. The question was then asked whether to continue the federal lobbyist contract. Consensus was to continue with a federal lobbyist, but that the City Manager should examine the possibility of hiring a different lobbyist.

3) Lauderhill Housing Authority - a report was given concerning the process of having our housing authority certified so that we can get control of the housing vouchers in our city. Since we have been unsuccessful due to the Miami HUD office refusal to certify, we are proceeding with litigation to complete the certification process. Also, the Authority is creating a Family Self-Sufficiency Program.

4) Update on GO Bond - a presentation was given showing the status of each project, with the cost estimates. The list shows the changes in costs each of the projects have incurred.

5) Financing City Hall - alternative forms of financing the cost of building the new city hall. The preference was to seek Third Party Financing, which would not be treated as debt of the city. Also being considered is obtaining financing through a Certificate of Participation.

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