Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tap Tap City

At a Special Commission Workshop, a presentation of Tap Tap City was presented. This 31 story, $107 million dollar facility would be located at Carrishoca (Sunrise Blvd. and 441). Tap Tap City is a Arts & Cultural Facility. It would include a theatre, banquet facility, artist residence and studio, museum, botanical garden, sports playground, among other amenities.

The cost would primarily be financed through a loan, though a substantial portion will be secure by investors. Tap Tap City is a not for profit entity and is in conjunction with artist facilities in France.

The Commission is excited about the prospects but has asked the city administration to thoroughly review and advise of the feasibility of the project. Also, that other potential alternatives would likewise be considered. It is hoped that some responses will be available over the next month or two, so that a preliminary decision can be made as to whether support for the facility is obtained.

For more information, including a movie clip of the facilities are at:


  1. Please expand on "Tap Tap City".
    Where will the funds come from ?

  2. When the questions about Tap Tap City and their financing, they advised that they have investors and that the remaining portion will be through loans. The city has not been asked to assist on financing this at all, and that as far as I know presently, it is entirely being financed privately.

  3. The area under proposal for "Tap Tap City" was originally planned to be used for either a park for the residents or a Cricket Stadium.

    Have these plans been completely scrapped and is the property being sold to a private developer?

  4. No. The area under proposal for Tap Tap City is part of Carrishoca, which is privately owned. Where the old Kmart was. It has no effect on the regional park. The park was purchased with county bond money, and cannot be sold. The park and multi-purpose stadium are under construction as we speak. The county claims it will be finished by the end of the year. Being more realistic, I expect it finished some time next year.

  5. "The area under proposal for Tap Tap City is part of Carrishoca, which is privately owned. Where the old Kmart was."

    Mr. Kaplan, Thanks for the clarifacation.

    Since Carrishoca is privately owned why should city resources be used to attract investors with an expensive trip to Europe?? Let the Carrishoca owners worry about the financing not the Lauderhill taxpayers.

  6. Interesting comment. Cities, counties, states and the federal government do invest in promoting. Coral Springs, Westin, Sunrise, Ft. Lauderdale, Hollywood, Broward County, Florida, all have programs to promote business, and will do whatever is needed to help them grow. We are no different. Many governments have whole departments just for this. We don't. Ours is spread out in several departments. Without promoting businesses, residential properties will carry more of the tax burden since there will be less businesses to share the burden with. Also, when your area does not have businesses needed to support residential communities, then people tend to not wish to live there. Not just services, but jobs are vital for an area.

    As to having the business pay the city expense of travel, an excellent question. State law prohibits it in this case because it would be a violation of the gift laws and we cannot accept it. The City Attorney advised me of this the other day. Therefore it becomes a catch 22. It was my intention to pursue that possibility until it was deemed as illegal.

    By the way, if anyone knows of a business that has interest in Lauderhill, we would work with them to help them locate in our city. That happens everyday throughout the world, not just here. As an example, look at the Gospel Complex (a private for profit business), which by far has received the largest contribution from Lauderhill resources we have ever done. But in that case, no objection. The only difference is travel in the case of Tap Tap City (under $4000 for two people on a $107 Million project) and a direct contribution of funds ($50,000) to the Gospel Complex (a $45 Million project). In the case of the Gospel Complex, I have heard that they may request more funds. What do you think about that? Business-wise, both will be assets to the city.
