Sunday, February 18, 2007

Notes of Lauderhill Annual Retreat - January 2007

City of Lauderhill, Florida
Report on Planning Workshop
January 12, 2007

On January 12, 2007, Ralph M. Parilla, Jr. President of Parilla & Associates facilitated a planning workshop for the leadership team of the City of Lauderhill, Florida. In attendance were the Mayor Richard Kaplan, all of the City’s Commissioners, Margaret Bates, Hayward Benson, Howard Berger and Dale Holness, the City Manager, Charles Faranda, staff members, and members of the Public.

The participants focused on the current climate and issues that must be dealt with over the next several years. The purpose of this was to define the concerns that need to be addressed in strategic planning and the circumstances that will assist or hinder the accomplishment of the City’s goals and objectives.

The team first addressed the environmental factors that will be affecting the City over the next few years and the opportunities that the City might be able to make the most of in the immediate future. Following this discussion, the team defined general areas for goal development.

This report summarizes all of the results in the goal formulation process. The following pages summarize the issues discussed at the workshop and document the goals and objectives upon which the team agreed.

Environmental Issues:
1) Ongoing and planned major capital improvements – both public and private
2) Property Tax Reform
3) Demographic Changes in the City
4) Increased Traffic Problems
5) City has a Large Number of Small Businesses
6) Illiteracy Rate Greater that Average
7) Overall Educational Level of Residents
8) Large Number of Renters
9) Housing Affordability Issue
10) Possible Changes coming from the Charter Review Board
11) Increasing Cost of Government such as increased labor costs and Rising Cost of Insurance
12) Unfunded Government Mandates
13) Addressing the Needs of Seniors
14) Business Development Requests
15) The Public’s Perception of Government’s Role
16) Improvements Needed in Schools
17) Average Income Lower that Other Cities
18) Environmental Issues
19) Need for a Clearly Stated Dynamic Master Plan
20) The City is often at odds with the County
21) Political Issues with the State
22) Competition among Cities
23) Need for Continued Beautification
24) Increasing Demands for More Free Services

Opportunities - Environmental Issues:
1) Need to Develop a relationship with School Board and with Local Schools to Create a Process of Structured and Planned Support Including: all levels of education (Elementary, Middle, and High Schools)
2) Workforce One
3) Contact the National League of Cities and Research Model Programs that Might be in Place in other Locations
4) Need to Create an Affordable Housing Strategy including:
a) The Purchase and Rehabilitation of Properties by the City
b) Conduct Research and Find Sources of Revenue to Address the Affordable Housing Issue
c) Conduct Research and Create a Strategy to Increase Opportunities for Home Ownership
d) Find the Means to Implement the Strategy
e) Capitalize on Private Investment Opportunities
f) Find the Means to Assist Seniors to Maintain to Maintain their Properties

Opportunities in General:
1) Capitalize on the Popularity of Events and Leisure Programs. Improve Marketing of Events and Leisure Programs to Increase Turnouts and Participation
2) Work with Chamber of Commerce to Assist Small Business and Promote Events – Strengthen Partnership with Chamber of Commerce
3) Capitalize on Memberships in other Organizations to Better Communicate and Coordinate Efforts to Achieve High Priority Objectives
4) Attempt to Attract/Relocate Educational Institution to the City
5) Anticipate, Analyze and Evaluate the Potential Impact of Various Forms of Property Tax Cuts
6) Enhance and Expand Efforts to Make Lauderhill a "Destination"
7) Work for Participation and Potential Funding from The Tourist Development Council
8) Promote the City as a Family and Retirement Location
9) Work to Attract National/International Tournaments and Festivals
10) Enhance Civic Involvement and Strengthen Relationships with Home Owners’ Associations, Condo Associations, and Non-Profit Organizations
11) Explore the Possibility of a City-Sponsored Summit Meeting for Home Owners’ Groups
Support Home-Grown Businesses and Help Promote Opportunities for Businesses and Residents

Goals and Objectives - In General:
1) Increase Homeownership Rate in the City of Lauderhill by 10% (est.) by 2012
2) Continue to Improve Attractiveness (Curb Appeal) of Various Areas to Encourage Ownership 3) Review, Revise and Modify City Rules that Hinder Processes
4) Create and Promote Educational Programs for Home Ownership
5) Explore the Formation of a Home Ownership Task Force
6) Leverage Various Sources of Revenue to Facilitate the Increase of Home Ownership in the City
7) Make Strategic Investments for the City to Own and Rehabilitate Properties
8) Educate Home Owners’ Associations and Condo Associations as to Roles and Functions, Legal Issues and Association Best Practices
9) Create Partnerships with Other Organizations to Help Promote Affordable Housing Ownership Opportunities
10) Seek Out Organizations to Assist Senior Citizens to Maintain their Properties and Keep Their Homes

Goals and Objectives - Economic Development – "Destination-Related"
1) Ensure the Completion of All Elements that are Part of Creating Lauderhill as a "Destination" are Complete by June 29, 2009 (the Fiftieth Anniversary of the City)
2) Ensure Expedited City Services for "Destination-Related" Projects
3) Assist in the Facilitation of Approval and Processing with Other Governmental Agencies
4) Ensure that Infrastructure Programs Support "Destination-Related" Projects
5) Obtain a Seat on the Tourist Development Council and Obtain Funding for "Destination-Related" Tourist Development
6) Enhance Sister-City Affiliations
7) Focus and Stimulate Improvements on the 441 Corridor
8) Expand the CRA to Include Annexed Areas (31st and Broward)
9) Ensure Redevelopment of the Transportation Hub in the General Vicinity of the Current Location
10) Educate Businesses and Residents on the Benefits of Becoming a Destination Area
11) Pursue the Creation of the Arts District and Trade Center/Free Trade Zone

Goals and Objectives - Economic Development – New Businesses:
1) Attempt to Attract and Relocate an Educational Institution to the City
2) Market the Benefits of Creating a Business Presence in Lauderhill to Major Corporations
3) Create a Brand for the City and Market to Niches
4) Attract International, National and State Tournaments, Festivals, Fairs and Tradeshows
5) Attract International Consulates
6) Promote New Businesses as a Part of Gaining Exposure for the City

Goals and Objectives - Economic Development – Strengthen Existing Businesses:
1) By Being "Business Friendly"
2) Enhance Relationship and Partnership with the Chamber of Commerce
3) Review and Revise Categorization of Businesses on Forms
4) Collect Email Addresses for Better Communication
5) Conduct Joint Events and Activities
6) Provide More Business Services Online (such as Permits, Inspection Notifications, etc.)
7) Explore Wi-Fi for the City
8) Continue to Promote and Patronize Local Businesses

Goals and Objectives - Education:
1) Develop Relationships with Educational Entities to Create a Process of Planned and Structured Support
2) Find Model Programs Through the National League of Cities
3) Promote G.E.D. Programs
4) Increase the High School Graduation Rate by X% (to be determined)
5) Create Internships with the City and Businesses
6) Work with Schools to Obtain a Rating of "B" or Better
7) Support Programs for FCAT Preparation
8) Become a Leader in Mentorship Programs
9) Promote Financial Educational Programs
10) Tie Community Service to Career Orientation

Goals and Objectives - Civic Involvement:
1) Continue to Support Home Owners’ Associations and other Civic Groups
2) Assist with Public Relations and Marketing including Web Site Creation
3) Provide Grant Writing Assistance and Conduct a Grant Writing Seminar
4) Conduct a Home Owners’ Association Symposium on Association Roles and Best Practices
5) Develop a Program to Increase Voting Participation, Board Membership and other Areas of Association Involvement

Goals and Objectives - Other Areas:
1) Expand Beautification Program to Include Businesses and Condos
2) Review all Existing Programs to Determine if they are still Viable
3) Expand Citizens on Patrol (COP’s) Program
4) Transition the City’s Original City Hall to a Historic Site

Editor's Note: These are the notes of the facilitator above, which often, but not entirely, received consensus. They came from the discussion of the participants. Some points had additional comments, and an occasional disagreement by individuals, which are absent from the report of the facilitator. They were not voted upon, nor approved by the Commission as an official statement, but serve as points for future discussion and action as appropriate. The notes were slightly modified to read in an clearer outline form, but the content remained the same.

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