Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Notes of the Regular Commission Meeting of 2/12/07

On February 12, 2007, the City Commission held a Regular Commission Meeting and a Special Workshop (to catch up on the cancellation of 3 consecutive Regular Workshop). The items and discussion on the Special Workshop were as follows:

1) Tap Tap City - Both Vice Mayor Holness and Mayor Kaplan announced that they were personally paying for the travel cost of the trip to France. They will be leading a delegation of Lauderhill business leaders. 4 of 5 Commissioner had no problem as long as personal money was being used. One Commissioner still objected in they did not believe that it would not be beneficial to the city, even though city monies are not being used. The principal of Tap Tap City is a Lauderhill resident, as well as others involved in this venture. Also, discussion was on the look of the facility. No request for funding from the city has been requested. The city has not received any design plans and discussions with the developer continue.

2) Bobby Jones Gospel Center - No plans have been submitted, but the city is awaiting a feasibility study. The Florida Black Caucus has made this development a priority to receive State funding.

3) Presentation was given concerning upcoming discussion on that will be held on creating an additional homestead exemption, and the impact to city services.

4) Proposed entryway signs into the city were viewed and discussed.

5) Update Stonebridge Gardens - presently they are moving towards completion of some units which could be occupied by the end of February or early March. However, several buildings are not near completion. Fund raising efforts are being directed with the Lauderhill Chamber of Commerce. For more information, contact the Chamber.

6) Notice was given that on February 15 at 7 PM at St. George Community Center, Dickey Consulting will be presenting to gather input on a proposed Broward Blvd. light rail proposal.

7) Old City Hall - only one Request for Proposal on redevelopment of the area. It did not meet with Commission desires. City Manager will pursue it further.

8) Red Light Enforcement - until such time that more information is available, and certain legalities are resolved in the legislature, the Commission does not wish to go further. Direction was given to the Police Chief to continue investigating this matter.

9) Broward Estates Park - discussion on the development on a Park in Broward Estates, which appears to be owned by the Association. The Association states they deeded back to the county due to the expense of maintaining it. Funds are being requested from the county to help develop it. The request is based upon the annexation transfer. The Commission by consensus agreed to arrange for it to be developed as a passive park. However, there is a concrete structure that may need to be removed from the property.

The items on the Regular Commission meeting were:


1) Ordinance proposed by the Mayor, to institute a requirement that all buildings must submit with their site plan those elements which satisfy the US Green Building Councils LEED Certification requirements. It does not mandate that any such requirements are implemented, only that they must identify them. Passed 5-0.

2) Ordinance proposed by Commissioner Berger to expand the prohibition of water flow extending to adjacent properties. Presently it is prohibited to water flow on hard pedestrian and vehicular surfaces, building walls and fences. The Planning and Zoning Board voted against recommended this item 1-4. Like the P & Z Board, the majority of the Commission felt this was not appropriate and unnecessary. Fails 1 - 4 (Commissioner Berger was the sole yes vote)

3) Ordinance proposed by Commissioner Benson to modify the vending vehicles to include only ice cream vendors and not other food vendors. Requiring annually inspection and the display registration sticker. It was found that the Ordinance, while supported to ice cream vendor vehicles, the ordinance as drafted eliminated certain provisions to food vendors that was not intended. Item was Tabled to fix this problem to address the specific concern, 5-0.

4) Ordinance proposed by Commissioner Benson to increase our Senior Homeowner Exemption another $25,000.00. No city or the County, in Broward County has passed this except for maybe the more affluent cities that have significant cash flows and/or little effect upon. Discussion concerning the proposed $25,000 additional homestead exemption being discussed to all homestead properties, and the effect to the city was brought up. Because of the unknowing situation, the Commission Tabled the item until such time that the tax structure issues are clarified, 5-0.


1) Passed on Consent Agenda Ordinance providing no more than 4 permits to erect special event banner signs within a 12 month period.


1) Approved Tri Party Educational Mitigation Agreement between Lauderhill, Broward County and the School Board regarding the mitigation of the impact of students anticipated due to the Development of the remainder of units within the Lauderhill Transit Oriented Corridor, 5-0

2) Approved a policy of the city to encourage the design and implementation of green buildings as set forth by the US Green Building Council's LEED Program, 5-0

3) Approved on Consent Agenda a policy to encourage business to support direct sales tax collection allowances to the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund for Classroom Technology

4) Approved members to the 50th Anniversary Planning Committee. Two members have been appointed, passed 5 - 0. Additional volunteers are being sought. Applications can be submitted to the City Clerk.

5) Approved amendment to Lauderhill's CDBG Funds Program to be used for hurricane disaster, to add a strategy to assist applicants with paying rent, 5 - 0


Pre-Budget Workshops - Authorized the City Manager to set the time and place for the meetings during March and the first half of April.


  1. Section #1)
    Which Lauderhill business leaders/organizations will be going to France or involved in the Tap Tap City project??? Will they travel to France with the mayor and Vice Mayor ???

    Section #8)
    Please define “Red Light Enforcement” does this include automated ticketing???

    Thanks in Advance

  2. Trip: I do not know the exact list going. It keeps getting bigger. I know that besides the property developers & owners, some lauderhill businesses (including minority businesses) that may be involved in help to build and/or use the facility should be. I have also heard that members of the Chamber (I do not know who) may also go. I have been advised that as this develops, more have requested information to be added to the delegation and I believe it could be 10 to 15 + people. It won't be known until they all get there. Quite a large group, showing great local interest and support. The city has no decision or input on the group. It is not funding the travel.

    The Vice-Mayor and myself, which are the only ones from the city going (at their own expense), arranged their flights and advised the others. I believe that many may be on the same flights, but that is up to them to arrange. Each individual will arrange their own travel plans.

    As to those involved in the project, you need to ask the developers. I don't have a list.

    Red Light Enforcement: Right now it means nothing. The design however shows that tickets would be mailed to the violators as code violations. This does create some legal problems. Expect Pembroke Pines to be the first to implement this locally, and others to observe. It was brought up when the city received this information, and an inquiry was placed to gauge our interest, which is cautious at best. We will continue to monitor the situation only for now.

  3. please explain what is unique
    about the Tap City project?
    Is it simply a mall project, if so
    why France, and not Akron,or Des Moines?
    Thank you

  4. It is entirely unique in numerous ways. No, it is not a mall, it is an Arts and Cultural Facility which is to include artists residences.

    Why here? That's a business decision by the developers. I guess is has to do with the Regional Park, Carrishoca, all of the residential development, Gospel Complex, the diversity of the community, etc. It must make business sense for them.
