Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Harmony Development Center Success

The Harmony Development Center Board of Directors recently announced their success with their program, Lauderhill FOCUS (Families On Commitment for Understanding and Solutions). During the first fiscal quarter of 2006-7:

1) 32 youths have been admitted and have received crime prevention services;
2) 98% of youth who completed the program have no law violations for 6 months following the program;
3) 88% of youth who completed the program have no law violations for 12 months following the program;
4) 100% of youth who were referred by the State Attorney and Lauderhill PD during this quarter successfully completed the program.

These numbers clearly express the dedicated, effectiveness and leadership of HDC in proving services for youth and their families in Lauderhill. The City help support this program through providing Community Development Block Grant Funds and by fund raising through the Lauderhill Hispanic Festival.

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