Thursday, April 05, 2007

Notes of Commission Workshop of March 19

The City Commission met on March 19 to discuss the following items:

1) Consensus was reached to proceed with reconstruction of the old city hall on 47th Ave., along with a new park adjacent to it. The old city hall will be used for offices, a meeting room, and to house historical artifacts of the city as its museum.

2) Information was given as to a function in support of the Dr. Bobby Jones Gospel Complex on March 27 at the Broward County Convention Center.

3) Discussion on resolving issues relating to a modification of the Vendor Truck laws of the city, and to distinguish Ice Cream Vendors in residential neighborhoods from Commercial Vendors in business districts.


  1. Does this mean the City Hall condos/townhouse notion is now history? Just wondering...

  2. No. You are confusing the Old City Hall on 55th Avenue, which will have the condos/townhouse, etc., proposal, with the Old Old City Hall on 47th Avenue which was the subject of discussion. This has been a common error by many since most do not remember the original city hall on 47th Avenue.

    The place on 47th Ave, just north of Sunrise, is on a small lot with a parking lot. We have installed a waterfall on the city right of way, before the full property was repurchased through county and city funds.
