Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Notes of Commission Workshop Meeting of June 18

On June 18, the City Commission met to discuss several items in a workshop meeting. The following is summary of those items:

1) Discussion of renovations and upgrades to Westwind Park: Twelve people spoke (most who live at or adjacent to the park), about 9 to 3 against a new facility. This directly conflicted with several years of support from the NW area of the city, which was included in the data gathered when the GO Bond was put together for 2005. In that bond issue, which was passed overwhelmingly, it was clearly stated that funds were included for such facility. The reason the funds were set aside were based upon the numerous meetings conducted there showing strong support for the facility, at the direction of those that attended those meetings. Several spoke about the need for more security, which the city concurred with. However, those speaking conflicted with each other on how to develop a way to provide the security. The issues are allowing the park to remain fully open vs. trying to find a way to close it for entry when the park is closed.

These conflicts created confusion on what truly this area wants, and therefore it was decided to send out a survey to provide a clear opinion of the residents on the NW side of the city, as to improvements at Westwind Park. The survey is intended to be sent to every resident in that area, and to be short and concise as to the support for the facility and security. The Commission requests everyone to respond so that the Commission can quickly proceed forward with whatever the residents should desire on these issues.

2) Discussion on modifying ordinances to allow facilities under the Chuck E. Cheese rule. The problem came up concerning the expansion of a facility for adults, providing amusement machines, where prizes or gift cards can be awarded under Florida Statutes. The city attorney provided an answer to how to proceed, which the Commission authorized to proceed with.

3) Discussion of creating a fee for lobbyist registration in the city, similar to the City of Ft. Lauderdale. In Ft. Lauderdale, it presently raises $45,000/year. The Commission supported proceeding with exploring and reviewing such legislation.

4) Presentation on international art exhibit which will tour the US, starting in South Florida. Also, discussion about sister cities, and a report was given concerning the trip to France which was not paid for by the taxpayers. The art exhibit is one of the results of the trip. A request was made to have the Mayor, an alternate, plus coordinating staff to be part of a Board to assist in this exhibit, without any financial contributions from Lauderhill. The Commission agreed to proceed in this request. It appears that the local exhibit will be placed in several locations, including the African American Research Library, with the library's support. As to sister cities, the Commission gave consensus for the City Attorney to review over proposals to create a separate organization for sister cities in Lauderhill. Such local examples of these organizations exist in Ft. Lauderdale and in Sunrise. It was brought up that some did not believe Lauderhill to be much more than a bedroom community, with limited business. However, the contrary side was presented that Lauderhill has become more of a national and international destination. Numerous examples were provided on how this occurred, starting from the Jackie Gleason Inverrary Golf Classic and the Swap Shop (the 2nd largest tourist attraction in Florida). Adding to that will be the Dr. Bobby Jones Gospel Complex, Carrishoca, the All America Cultural Mall and the new Central Regional County Park.

5) Discussion of parks needs assessment prepared by Leisure Vision. It showed that in the future, we need to develop more areas providing walking areas, nature areas, picnic areas and shelters. The development of Renaissance Park, the lineal park on Sunrise Blvd., the new passive park and city museum at the site of the original City Hall, and the Ilene Lieberman Park (which proposes a botanical garden), address these needs. Also, the survey showed that improvements on notification of park facilities and events are needed.

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