Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Annual Budget Workshop Update

Following the Lauderhill Annual Budget Workshop on July 10, the Commission made some adjustments that modified the prior report:

1) The Mayor gave up his aide, but was granted $6000 for temp help as needed. The savings to the city is $24,000.

2) Several categories of expenditures (some described below) were reduced within the Commission's budget.

3) Other than the Lauderhill Women's Club and the Firefighters Dinner (the city is giving them $1000 each), all other tables for events are eliminated, saving over $13000.

4) Some Commission travel was eliminated.

5) Commissioners were budgeted $500 each for postage, though they may add to this amount by allocating additional funds from their Administrative Expense Accounts. This was created because it was revealed that one of the Commissioners was spending a significant amount of money each month sending out mail, particularly Birthday Cards. It is estimated the postage for the extra postage alone maybe over $2000 or $3000, and was by far the largest allocation of the Commission's postage budget, causing this line item to be needed to be significantly increased the last couple of years. Other Commissioners expressed that their postage may only run $100 to $200/year, though there can be legitimate reasons why they would use more postage. The Commission felt that this would place some self control in the process to save money to the city, without limiting a Commissioners wishes to send postage. However, now the money spent will be directly accountable to the public, at least for the postage.

6) It appears that so far this budget year all Commissioners kept well within their Administrative Expense Budget, except one who is near or over the $5000 allotment with 1/4 of the year remaining.

7) Elimination of Community Shuttle Bus #6, serving the newly annexed areas, due to poor ridership. Ridership for Shuttles 1 thru 5 are about 1200 passengers/day. Number 6 often less than 15 per day. The Shuttle #6 will continue to operate until June 2008, due to a County grant, and the city will work with the county to improve the route and ridership. If it does not increase to a level that is consistent within the county, then it is not planned to be reinstated at the 6 month budget review. Additionally, BCT Bus Route 40 already serves West Ken Lark and BCT Bus Route 81 already goes through Broward Estates and St. George, which may explain the lack of interest in the Shuttle. Savings for cutting the service will be $30,000 in the upcoming budget. For budget year 2008-9, that could translate into a savings of over $120,000.

8) Elimination of a Nutritionist for the Fire Department - $13,000.

9) Discussion of reducing or eliminating the $10,000 as "seed money" for the Lauderhill Community Choir. Consensus, though not unanimous, was to provide $5000. This was the only new program added after significant debate by the Commission.

10) Leisure Grants Services were eliminated - $20,000

11) Florida Youth Athletic Association was reduced $5000 to $25,000

12) Funding for Jr. Lifeguard Summer Camp was removed - $12,000

13) All funding for all adult recreation programs was initially eliminated, including the Adult Night Cricket Tournament, Adult Night CASA Soccer Tournament, and Senior Olympics. Then after pleas from many in attendance, consensus was to give the Cricket and Soccer program $5000 each in matching funds, and the Senior Olympics was given $2000. The matching funds requires the Cricket and Soccer Leagues running their events to privately raise funds to match, up to $5000 each. The Senior Olympics is the only special event the city has specifically for seniors.

14) It was confirmed that the East Side Library is unfunded, however due to the County Library Bond Issue, the County could pick up this cost to continue it, and the County is required to replace it with a new Library at the Central Regional Park paid for by county bond issue. Supposedly by 2009. This library was a county library, but the county sought to close it if we did not pay for it. That is why over the years we have paid to keep it open. Savings are over $200,000.

15) Several other items were cut from specific departments before the workshop because of inquiries with staff.

16) MLK Day is funded. Unite-A-Fest funding was reduced, which may reduce the length of the event. Hispanicfest is unfunded. The Holiday Concert was eliminated.

After going through cuts, the Commission discussed, and by consensus, provided funds for the Educational Advisory Board ($10,000, down from $100,000), the Lauderhill Chamber of Commerce ($50,000, down from $100,000), Homeowner Associations ($12,000, up from the prior year), and July 4 ($25,000, down from the prior year) (all of which were previously unfunded). The Ad Valorem rate is proposed to be reduced from $6.02 to $4.734. More discussion and debate could be on these points, and they could be modified further.

Unless additional meetings are scheduled, the Budget will next be read and voted upon twice at the 2 Commission Meetings in September. The items are open to comment to the public at that time. The Commission may still make changes in the budget, but both readings must be the same. Therefore, any changes, if any, would only come at the first reading, the second Monday in September at 7:30 PM.

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