Monday, August 13, 2007

School Crossing Guards and NW Survey

Due to the State Legislative mandate of rolling back taxes, the City of Lauderhill is required to use the tax rolls from 2006 and roll back taxes 9%. This effectively causes us to not only absorb the additional cost of services due to inflation, but also to reduce our budget $3.8 million. To do this required significant cutbacks in most every area. One of the areas was in School Crossing Guards.

Originally, the entire program (approx. $300,000) was to be eliminated. Now it has been adjusted to provide $75,000 for critical need areas. One of those areas is at the intersection of Pine Island Road and 50th Street. Others are:
55th Ave. and 56th Ave. at 25th Street and also at 19th Street;
35th Avenue in front of Broward Estate, as well as at NW 5th Place;
33rd Avenue at 12th Place and 14th Street;
34th Terrace at NW 5th Place;
Lauderhill Middle will be handle by the School Resource Officer
31st Avenue and Sistrunk (for the time being since it is from unincorporated Broward and not Lauderhill)
One at Paul Turner Elementary and one at Castle Garden Elementary

The only reason for this cutback is the need to cut salary of the city since over 90% of our general budget (not to be confused with capital budget from bond funds) is now for personnel. The city sees the need for safety, but the point is that we cannot pay for services we cannot afford. In the future we are looking to some alternatives, including the creation of a volunteer school crossing guard program run by the parents.

One of the issues that has caused concerned, is that at the time this matter is coming up, the city has sent out a survey to residents of the Northwest Area concerning capital improvements at Westwind Park. The issue of Westwind Park and the School Crossing Guards can not be mixed.

Funds for Westwind Park are from the 2005 Great Neighborhood Capital Improvement Bond issue, and must be spent on capital improvements. It cannot be used for general expenditures such as salaries. They are not reoccurring funds. School Crossing Guards funds come from the general fund, and not from any bond issues. The purpose of the survey is to check to make sure proposed improvements to Westwind Park are those that community truly wants. If the area votes against it thinking that the funds can be used for school guards, the improvements will not go in. Then the area will have a lose-lose situation by still not having the crossing guards, and the monies will be set aside for other capital improvements elsewhere in the city.

The remaining point is how does the vote on the constitutional amendment on tax reduction, set for January 2008, effect Lauderhill. The answer is significantly, a total of around $11,000,000.00 significant, out of a present budget of just over $30 million. To the point we will probably have to not only eliminate school crossing guards all together, but also reduce police, fire and personnel throughout the city. The amendment is not in the best interest of our city.

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