Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Notes of the Commission Meetings of September 10

On September 10, the Commission held multiple meetings, and the following matters of interest were discussed and acted upon:


1) Approved the purchase of vacant land located at the corner of 55th Avenue and 19th Street for $650,000.00.

2) Agreed to an amendment to an Interlocal Agreement with Broward County to bifurcate a dedication of NW 13th street and NW 37th Ave and the disbursement of $408,973. It also included a new commitment for $995,000 supported by the redevelopment capital program application

3) Approved the budget for the CRA for fiscal year 2008, in the amount of $1,357,958.

4) A Director's Report was given on the Mission Lake Arts Incubator, the 19th Street Townhouses Redevelopment and the ULI Conference.


1) Presentation by the Auditors. It was discovered the Auditors had not distributed the reports in advanced, as they believe they had, for the Commission to review. Therefore, the presentation and discussion was continued until Sept. 17 at 5:30 PM so as to allow the Commission to review the reports.

2) Report given by the federal and state lobbyists for the city.



1) Approved adopting the Tentative Property Tax Levy in the amount of $4.7340, and the voter approved debt service millage of $.75. This is a decrease from the present year of $6.02, a $1.286 reduction.

2) Approved the Budget for the upcoming fiscal year in the amount of $106,646,159. Vote was 4 - 1, with Mayor Kaplan against. (See the following article on the stated reasons given on the dissenting vote.)


A grant of $10,000 was given to the Boys and Girls Club for the Art Program "Young Hearts for Art." Funds were made through the city's Educational Grant Program. Funds will not be available from this years budget to continue this program.


Approved the supplemental appropriations of $935,000 to balance the 2007 fiscal year.


1) Agreed to modify the city ordinances to allow for establishment for adult amusement machines, like at "Chuck E. Cheese."


1) Approved appointment to vacant position on Public Arts Board.

2) Approved appointments to Police Officers Retirement Trust Fund Board.

3) Approval of a Resolution requiring all future city buildings to be LEED Silver Qualified Green Buildings. This does not require the city to go through the certification process, though it must be constructed to qualify to seek such certification. (By Mayor Kaplan).

4) Ratified the Fraternal Order of Police Contract for the year Oct. 1, 2006 to Sept. 30, 2007.

5) Approved the CRA Board's approval of an Interlocal Agreement, as more fully described above as 2) under the CRA Meeting.

6) Approved installing speed humps and awarding a price proposal from Corner Stone Paving, Inc., in Broward Estates at 132 NW 34th Ave. and at 254 NW 34th Ave. Cost is $6050.

7) Approved a Bid to Coastal Contracting & Development for $1,254,000 for development, design plans and construction of the "Ilene Lieberman Park." Funds come from the General Obligation Fund and a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Grant.

8) Approved the waiver of a bid to award Ash Britt Environmental and its subcontractors, and Wood Resource Recovery, for emergency debris removal and disposal services on an as needed basis.

9) Approved accepting the proposed insurance settlement for insurance claims of the city from damage from Hurricane Wilma from two years ago. The settlement specifically excludes several damages to Old City Hall and several parks. The amount of the settlement is $375,435.75, and applies our deductible of $500,000. Any future claims settlement will not apply the deductible again.

10) Approved accepting a grant of $3900 from the Department of Justice for 20 bulletproof vests, requiring a city match from our Federal Forfeiture Fund of $3900.


1) Approved a Special Exception Use permitting, subject to conditions, The Horseshoe Game Room to expand its operation.

2) Approved on second reading a repeal of an ordinance previously granted to Inverrary Falls, LLC, for a variance on relief on a concrete wall.


Cancelled the October 8 Commission Meeting due to the Columbus Day Federal/State holiday.

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