Thursday, September 27, 2007

Notes of Commission Workshop of Sept. 17

On September 17, the Commission met and discussed the following matters of interest:

1) Discussion on 2010 census. The city is beginning the steps necessary to prepare for the census. One of the elements is the formation of a voluntary Community Count Committee. This would be composed of homeowner and condominium association officers and directors, and other volunteers. Their purpose would be to help organize their neighborhoods to expect and respond to the survey when received. The organization of this committee should begin in early 2008.

2) Discussion on school crossing guards, and the creation of a voluntary program of parents to serve to supplement the service. Financial constraints caused the city to examine and evaluate the system. All critical hazardous intersections are covered, with continual evaluations being made to determine additional need. However, additional service can be created by the use of parental volunteers. Commissioners Holness and Benson are conducting a meeting of the schools to go over a variety of school issues, and this will be included.

3) The Northwest Lauderhill survey results were discussed. The vote for a new community center, and lights for the path and ball field, were overwhelmingly supported. Of about 2000 households, 700 voted. This number far exceeds the vote in a typical city election. The vote on the addition of a CPTED fence (like a Veterans Park) was essentially a tie. Upon further discussion, including members of the public who live adjacent to the park, and the recommendation of the Northwest Neighbors Association, the Commission gave consensual approval to proceed with the fence as well.

4) Discussion of Florida Education Fund camp programs to assist students in preparing for FCAT, SAT, etc. The proposal was for a Lauderhill FCAT Prep Camp for 60 students is for $25,150. The Commission consensus was to consider giving $5000 from the upcoming Educational Fund, and an additional $5000 from other sources, which may include from remaining funds from Commissioners Administrative Expenses funds which remain from this fiscal year. The City Manager will seek out where the funds will come from.

5) Discussion on Lauderhill Sports Advancing Kid's Education (S.A.K.E. Awards). Commission consensus is to support the program, but without funding from the city. Commissioner Benson stated that if the Commission will support it, he will find the $25,000 to fund it from outside funds.

6) Discussion on creating a Diversity Committee in the City of Lauderhill. The reason behind the committee is to address those in the city who have had an issue accepting cultural diversity. A presentation was made by Roland Foulkes, a resident of Broward Estates.

7) Discussion on additional revenue sources to assist funding of police department and establishing a safe neighborhood program. The proposal was to create a Safe Neighborhood Improvement District under F.S. Chapter 163.5.

8) Presentation by Mr. Biggs, representing FDOT, on the resurfacing project for University Drive. The project is expected to begin in 2008, and take 12 months to complete.

9) Evaluation of City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk was postponed until September 24 since Commissioner Berger still had not submitted his evaluations for tabulations. (NOTE: This matter was heard at a Special Workshop on September 24, but since Commissioner Bergers evaluations were not submitted until earlier that day, his numbers were not included into the tabluations. All persons received a score in excess of the minimum required score of 3 out of 5.

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