Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tropical Storm Noel Update #1

Dear Residents of Lauderhill,

An update on Tropical Storm Noel. Noel has already pushed farther west onto Cuba than the computer models projected from 9 PM last night. Also, Noel may, for a time being, strengthen into a Hurricane, but is not expected to stay as a Hurricane. At 9 PM last night, we were in the cone of of potential impact, but not at this time because Noel is expected to take a sharp turm out to the east towards the Bahamas. The projected closest point to our area would now bring it by us Wednesday night, Halloween.

Our concern is that since the storm has already gone farther west than projected, we need to take some minimal steps to make sure we are prepared. Time will be limited if the projected path is not followed. Flying debris and flooding is the greatest concern. Make sure storm drains are clear in your area if you can safely address this. Minimally, we should receive scattered rain and lots of wind, some which you may have noticed this morning.

We hope that Noel will be an inconvenience, but we feel it is better to be prepared even if nothing ultimately happens. Please keep watching reports for further updates.

Very Truly Yours,

Richard J. Kaplan
Mayor, City of Lauderhill

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