Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Volunteers Needed

The city has created numerous volunteer boards to handle many of the issues come up each day in the city. Presently we are in need of volunteers to serve on these boards. Most, but not all boards, require you to be a city resident. Some board members must hold specialized qualifications. However, if you are interested in serving, we can find a board for you to work on.

A few of the boards are: Code Enforcement Board, Planning and Zoning Board, Nuisance Abatement Board, Public Arts Board, Unsafe Structures Board, Recreational Advisory Board, Civil Service Board, several Pension Boards, ACT Board (Arts, Cultural & Tourism), Educational Advisory Board, and some new boards being considered.

If you have interest, contact the City Clerk's office, 954-730-3010, for more information. Typically a resume is required, which can be faxed to 954-730-3062, or e-mailed to the City Clerk:

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