Thursday, November 15, 2007

District Host Meetings to Discuss Proposed School Boundaries


Broward County Public Schools will kick off school boundary community meetings to review and discuss proposed district-wide school boundary scenarios. The first meeting, Community Forum I, will take place on Saturday,November 17 at two school locations. For all proposed boundary scenarios affecting north and north central area schools, the meeting will take place at Monarch High School Auditorium (5050 Wiles Road in Coconut Creek). For all proposed boundary scenarios affecting south and south central area schools, the meeting will take place at McArthur High School Auditorium (6501 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood).

Parents and community members will be able to sign up to speak from 8:30 to 9 a.m. District School Boundaries staff will present the boundary process along with staff and community scenarios from 9 to 10 a.m., followed by questions and community input from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Foreign language interpreters will be present at each meeting location.

A second meeting on the proposed school boundaries, Community Forum II ,is scheduled for Saturday, December 15 and will again take place at Monarch and McArthur high schools. The agenda and schedule for the meeting will also be the same. The proposed boundary recommendations will be discussed and reviewed at the community meetings before going to the School Board for final approval. The public is invited to attend and participate in determining school boundaries for the 2008/09 school year. Additional information on the boundary process can be found online at(

Parents can review boundary scenarios, frequently asked questions and answers, list of schools participating in the boundary process, meeting dates, and provide comments and input. For additional information, contact School Boundaries at 754-321-2480.

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