Wednesday, January 23, 2008

2008 Brings In New Political Season

As we enter 2008, a new Political Season is upon us. For some time already, candidates have been campaigning for many of these available positions. Most notable has been for President, but there are many more positions up for grabs. These positions can have a much more pronounced effect on your day to day lives, particularly at the State and Local levels.

Already many have declared they are running for County Commission Seat #9, representing Lauderhill south of Oakland Park Blvd. More are expected to open accounts as well. They are challenging a long time serving incumbent, which is somewhat rare when they are all from the same political party, Democrats.

The City of Lauderhill also will be having its regular elections in November. This is the first time elections for city officials will occur in November, which was implemented by the voters in 2006 as a cost cutting move.

Three seats on the City Commission will be open, numbers 1, 2 and 3. Seat 4 and the Mayors Seat #5 are not up for re-election until 2010. Several individuals have already pulled papers to open accounts for these available seats. Without pulling and filing papers, candidates cannot raise funds needed to campaign. Later in September, candidates will have to qualify for the seat by filing additional papers, and paying a registration fee.

Once an individual has opened a campaign account, regular filings of campaign reports are required, showing where funds were raised and where they were spent. Candidates who fail to follow state law in reporting this information, or following state laws on campaigning, are subject to anyone filing a campaign violation with the State. The State will not investigate any violations of the campaign laws unless someone files a complaint. In their investigation, if they find other violations not alleged in the complaint they are unable to pursue them unless another complaint referencing them is subsequently filed. Complaints must be filed in good faith, or the complainer may be subject to fines and penalties.

Also, it is expected that on the ballot will be Charter Amendments to the City. More information and details on these Amendments will be forthcoming. Additionally, during the year, information about the candidates will be written about, to keep you better informed.

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