Monday, February 04, 2008

Notes of the Commission Meeting of January 28

On January 28, the Commission held its regular commission meeting, and the following matters of interest were discussed and acted upon:


1) Passed adding a new category for Family Home Day Care with a $50 local business tax.

2) Passed purchasing property at 3801 NW 4th Street for $350,000, to be added to a new park being developed in Broward Estates.


1) Passed establishing guidelines for location and relocation of public transit amenities.


1) Passed approving a partnership between Royal Caribbean Cruises, the city and KAPOW.

2) Passed approving the interlocal agreement to obtain, by using the County Parks Bond funds, 4 acres of property at NW 31st Avenue and 16th Street, to be used as a green space.

3) Approved transfer $39,805 of CDBG funds to Community Shuttle Bus Transportation Program.

4) Approved a bid of $2,440,000 for construction of Pump Station Basin B.

5) Approved use of federal forfeiture funds of $132,000 for use of purchasing a special response team vehicle.

6) Approved an agreement between the city and La Mirage HOA for local traffic control and public safety.


1) RESOLUTION NO. 08R-01-21, requesting to approve amending the Special Exception Use of Sembler Company, on property on Commercial Blvd. (at the old movie theatre), to allow a restaurant drive in to have extended operational hours then previously granted to them. Previously, the hours start at 10 AM, and the request was to make it 6:30 AM, with the elimination of Sunday hours altogether.

This item was tabled from the prior meeting to afford an opportunity to interested parties to work out a solution to the situation. Issues were concerning having a 10' wall installed (only a 8' wall is required by code), and the hours of operation.

Sembler offered installing a 10' wall along the entire length if they can have a 6:30 opening time Monday thru Saturday. If they are required to open at 7 AM, then they will only install a few areas of the wall to be 10', and it would have an curve on the wall like a wave. It would give some relief to some of the homes, but not to all of the homes. Residents were accepting of the 10' wall, but were concerned about the opening time. They would prefer 7 AM, which the applicant did not agree to.

Because of the need of the 10' wall for the length of the property, several residents supported the application, but they would have preferred a 7 AM opening time for the drive up. The Commission voted to approve the application being it satisfied the requirements of the code, and that the need of the 10' wall for the length of the property was a definite need for all the adjoining residents.

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