Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Notes of CRA Meeting, Special Meeting and Regular Workshop of March 17

On March 17, the City Commission met several times, and the following are some notes of interest:


1. Discussion on REQUIREMENTS FOR CAMERA SYSTEMS ON COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS IN CRA DISTRICTS. Consensus was to continue developing such a system, and to involve businesses in the program. Also, to create standards for camera systems so that they function properly.

2. Discussion on ARTS FAIR. The ACT Board requested the creation of the fair. At this time it is being looked into as a part of another event. Historical information about the old Inverrary Arts Fair was provided, and that also could be considered to be reinstated.

3. Discussion on CITY HALL SITE PLAN. Plans are going forward.

4. Discussion on GRANT APPLICATIONS – NEW MARKETS TAX CREDITS (NMTC) AND CULTURAL PLANNING (Note: Mayor Kaplan will be speaking to the Commercial Industrial Real Estate Board Association Breakfast on development within the city and available city incentives). The city is supporting the application of the credits applied for by Carrishoca, the All American Cultural Mall, Lauderhill City Centre and the Gospel Complex, for $100,000,000. Federal credits available are $3.5 billion, but total requests for the credits total $22 billion.


RESOLUTION NO. 08R-02-67: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LAUDERHILL APPROVING THE PRECONSTRUCTION SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LAUDERHILL AND MOSS AND D. STEPHENSON JOINT VENTURE. This would provide for a pre-construction contract of $90,000 to help develop the City Hall plan, pending the architects completion of the design. Approved 5-0


Note: Commissioner Holness was not present, so some items described below could be reconsidered at a future time due to the closeness of consensus on particular items.

1. LAUDERHILL COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP - Funds have been obtained to provide four $1000 college scholarships to high schools seniors of Lauderhill Residents. Any high school senior going on to any 2 or 4 year college or vocation school can apply. An application must be completed, and two 500 word essays are required. The essays will be scored by the Lauderhill Educational Advisory Board. Applications will be distributed through the high schools, and are due by April 24, 2008. They must be personally delivered to the City Clerks office and not mailed. All winners will be introduced at the May 12th Commission Meeting. Shortly an accompanied posting on eLauderhill News will follow with more information. (REQUESTED BY MAYOR RICHARD J. KAPLAN)


A. CREATE SECTION 1.04, CITIZENS’ BILL OF RIGHTS -referred to City Attorney and City Manager to analyze and determine how this would impact the city, if at all, and/or conflict with federal and state law.
B. AMEND SECTION 3.01 CHANGING THE METHOD OF SELECTION OF TERM OF MAYOR - Strong consensus to not proceed. Commissioner Benson was the only supporter.
C. AMEND SECTION 3.01 INCREASING THE SIZE OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO SEVEN MEMBERS - Consensus was to not move this forward due to several issues, including the additional cost to the city, what purpose would it really serve, would districting better accomplish the intended purpose. Any individual Commission, if they wish, may continue to develop the concept and may bring it back at a future time.
D. AMEND SECTION 3.03, TO PROVIDE CITY COMMISSION TERM LIMITS - Consensus was not to move this forward at this time.
E. AMEND SECTION 3.06, TO ELIMINATE THE POSITION OF DEPUTY VICE MAYOR - Consensus was to move this forward to a vote. Mayor Kaplan does not support, and feels the need for the position.


A. AMEND SECTION 3.04 REGARDING THE FIRST MEETING FOR NEW CITY COMMISSION. This was requested since the Supervisor of Elections can no longer certify the results within the 3 day period presently required by the City Charter. Under the present Charter, the swearing in of newly elected officials would have to be delayed until certification occurs. The amendment is to provide more than enough time for certification to occur, and give a fix time that can be planned for the swearing in. Since the Charter Review Board had not reviewed this matter, though it was sent to them for review but they said they never saw it, the Commission decided to allow them to review it first.
B. AMEND SECTION 3.08(b) REGARDING THE FORFEITURE OF OFFICE. This was requested because under the City Charter, it is prohibited for City Elected Officials from interfering with Administration. However, unlike other prohibitions of City Elected Officials, there is no penalty presently for interfering. This would allow the creation of such penalty. Since the Charter Review Board had not reviewed this matter, though it was sent to them for review but they said they never saw it, the Commission decided to allow them to review it first. Discussion was to consider also lesser penalties as an alternative.

4. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LAUDERHILL AMENDING THE LAUDERHILL CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE II, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, DIVISION 1, GENERALLY, SECTION 2-24, LOBBYING ACTIVITIES, PROHIBITING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE CITY OF LAUDERHILL BY ELECTED OFFICIALS EXCEPT IN THEIR OFFICIAL CAPACITY OR ON BEHALF OF THEMSELVES; (REQUESTED BY MAYOR RICHARD J. KAPLAN). The purpose is to establish that there is a conflict between an elected official who represents Broward County and/or Lauderhill, and yet is a lobbyist representing someone other than their elected body. If such a conflict occurs, the elected official would be prohibited from acting as a lobbyist. This not only has happened in Lauderhill previously, it has also happened in many other cities in Broward. Consensus was to put it on the agenda to vote on.

5. YOUTH SPORTS HOMEWORK/TUTORING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (REQUESTED BY DEPUTY VICE MAYOR HAYWARD BENSON) - Consensus was to support the program, with a couple of notes to look into. The program is run by Deputy Vice Mayor Benson's son, Stephen Benson.

6. DISCUSSION OF FORECLOSURE STRATEGY (REQUESTED BY DEPUTY VICE MAYOR HAYWARD J. BENSON, JR.) - It was noted that the Mayor has worked out the creation of a Workshop for residents on this matter for April 19, but the city should do everything it can to help the situation. Discussion ensued on what steps the city and the Mayor have already taken and what we are working on.

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