Thursday, March 13, 2008

Update on City Activities

A few miscellaneous notes of activities going on in the City of Lauderhill:

1) As of recently, 47% of all projects under the 2005 $35 Million Great Neighborhood Bond issue that the voters passed is now complete. All projects are to be completed by 2010. Thirty-four percent of the funds have been expended. Some of the projects in construction: West Wind Park Walkway Lighting, West Ken Lark Turf Replacement, State Road 7 Intersection Improvements, St. George Park Decorative Fencing, Lauderhill Middle Sports Field renovation, Ilene Lieberman Park, and 56th Avenue. In design: the Lauderhill Performing Arts Center (see below) and West Ken Lark Traffic Signal (14st Street & 31st Ave.). In Bid: the St. George Park Basketball Court Cover and St. George Park Restrooms. In Schematic Process: Broward Estates Entryway Signs, Broward Estates Passive Park (property has been purchased), City Hall Park Community Building and Pool, Original City Hall Restoration, Gateway & Neighborhood ID, Jackie Gleason Park Restrooms, Pine Island Road Wall (see below), St. George Deco Street Lights, West Ken Lark Park Athletic Track, and West Wind Community Center.

2) The Commission was advised that to build a 1000 seat Performing Arts Center would cost $27 Million. The City has $11 Million, which is sufficient to build only a 350 seat facility, which would be insufficient for the city's needs. Other size facilities were shown at different levels of costs. The city will be looking into alternative ways to raise funds to build a sufficient facility. Fund raisers may play a part of it. Until funds are secured, the Center will not be proceeding.

3) Pine Island Road Wall: Though not complete, there has been movement to resolve disputes between the county and the city. Many issues have been agreed upon, and only 1 or 2 remain. It is hoped that shortly the county will respond to the present discussions, and an agreement can be reached soon, as the public has requested.

4) To save money, the city will offer specific employees the ability to retire from the city. Eighty five qualify and 77 will be offered. The expected savings is hoped to be about $1.4 Million. Positions made vacant shall either be replaced with a lower cost employee, re-classified into another lower paying position, or eliminated.

5) After years of inactivity, the city has decided to take action on the unsafe bridge located across the city property, connecting the Lauderhill Mall to Park South. No one has taken ownership of the bridge, which is closed. The Commission decided to offer the bridge to the Mall, and if no one wants it, to tear it down. Because the bridge is unsafe, even if it is wanted to be used, it would have to be totally rebuilt.

6) The city is studying the possibility to provide its own garbage service to residents. Businesses would still continue to be served by a private contractor. Both garbage contracts expire in 2010, which gives an opportunity to the city to implement this project if it wishes.

7) With the cuts required by the Constitutional Amendment, and the decrease in incoming revenues from almost every category, the city stands to receive $3 Million to $4 Million less than the prior year. The city has already reduced its property tax revenues last year, as mandated, 9%, equating to about $3 Million. It is anticipated that the State and/or voters, may require even further reductions. The city is looking at multiple ways of reducing its expenses, including creating or increasing fees charged for certain services to reflect its true cost.

1 comment:

  1. I have just read your blog and find it very informative. I will be depending on your information as I am now incapaticated to attend the meetings due to an injury I recently suffered.
    I was disappointed to hear that the Cultural Center is at a standstill.Also, the charter review boards recommendation for two more Commissioners.This can succeed if we were to have districts which I strongly recommend. Keep up the great work you are doing with the Forclosures. Best wishes----Lora
