Monday, May 19, 2008

Broward Charter Review Commission Approves 10 Ballot Issues

Broward County’s Charter Review Commission (CRC) held its final public hearing on proposed changes to the Broward County Charter on April 9, approving 10 proposals to place on the November 4, 2008 general election ballot.

The issues approved for the November election:

Creation of a Metropolitan Transit Authority: Would create an advisory body to be known as the Metropolitan Transit Authority, governed by an appointed Board of Trustees, which will have the responsibility to recommend improvements to the County's public transit plan, programs, operations, and to assist with the coordination of a comprehensive, regional public transit system. ( NOTE: eLauderhill News has serious concerns about this proposal since it duplicates the purposes of the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization, which is already federally funded, provides for the same type of representation to each organization's board, does not give it authority to compel the Broward County Commission to take appropriate action, and therefore is not cost justified.)

· Non-Interference in County Administration: Would prohibit the County Commission or individual County Commissioners from interfering directly with County employees and provide that all recommendations to County Administration be made through the County Administrator, except for the purposes of formal inquiries and investigations. (eLauderhill News strongly supports)

· County Commission Meetings, Rules and Voting (Recusal): Would require Commissioners who recuse themselves due to a voting conflict resulting from a financial interest in the matter to leave the Commission chamber and not communicate or participate in any discussion. (eLauderhill News supports, but is concerned that by requiring the Commissioner to leave the Chamber it may be violating the Commissioners constitutional rights to attend public meetings)

· Broward County Housing Council: Would provide for a Broward County Housing Council to serve in a non-taxing advisory capacity to facilitate coordination between the County, municipalities, businesses and not-for-profit groups to address such issues as affordable and workforce housing and homelessness, and to make annual recommendations regarding streamlining governmental regulations and enhancing housing stability.

· Broward County Regionalism Policy Statements: Would add a policy statement to the Broward County Charter defining Broward County government’s duty to develop and implement programs, policies and budget with a countywide and regional focus, without being precluded from delivering services on a less than regional basis. (eLauderhill News lacks sufficient information to support or oppose. The confusion is that the statement appears to define the region as Broward County, and if so, then "countywide" and "regional" means the same thing. Besides, Broward County already implement programs primarily on a county-wide basis or less. If it defines "regional" as the tri-county region, then it may be reasonable and desirable. However, Broward County has no authority beyond its own borders.)

· Broward County Parks Preservation: Would designate County-owned parks as either natural area parks or regional parks, and would prohibit the sale, transfer or change of use of such parks without an affirmative vote of sixty percent (60%) of the electorate.

· Broward County Environmental Policy Statement: Would add an environmental policy statement to the Broward County Charter clarifying Broward County government’s duty to enact ordinances which protect its citizens’ right to a sustainable environment, including clean air and clean water, while encouraging the stewardship of natural resources. (eLauderhill News requires more information on how this would impact Broward County's ability to direct Cities or Communities through the use of unfunded mandates)

· Broward County Ethics Commission: Would create a Broward County Ethics Commission for the specific purpose of preparing a Code of Ethics regulating the behavior of Broward County Commissioners, to be considered by the County Commission and/or the electors of Broward County. (eLauderhill News strongly supports)

· Redistricting Process: Would provide for the use of an independent redistricting consultant to develop plans for redistricting of the County Commission’s single-member districts. (eLauderhill News strongly supports)

· One Year Hiatus between End of Management & Efficiency Study Committee (MESC) and Beginning of Charter Review Commission: Would require the MESC to meet in 2009 and every six (6) years thereafter in order to provide for a one (1) year hiatus between the meeting of the Charter Review Commission and MESC.

In addition to the proposed ballot questions, the CRC approved recommendations on the annexation of the County’s remaining unincorporated areas, continued funding for children’s services and support for a referendum election regarding the County Commission’s response to the MESC's final report. A proposal to expand the County Commission from nine members to 11, including the election of a County mayor, failed.

To review the proposed charter amendments, visit or call 954-357-8890 to request copies.

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