Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lauderhill Lions - Summer Soccer Camp - 2008

From June 9 to August 15, from 9 to 4, Lauderhill will be conducting its Summer Soccer Camp 2008. The Camp is at Veterans Park, and besides soccer, there are break rooms, a playground, pool, gym, picnic area. Soccer is under the direction of Keith Davis, Coaching Director of the Lauderhill Lions.

Cost is $125/week for residents for the full day, and $150/week for non-residents. Half day is $80/week residents, and $100/week non-residents. There are discounts for teams of 7, siblings and if multiple weeks are purchased. Players must bring cleats, shin guards, towel, sunscreen, water bottle and lunch. Lunch can be provided for an additional $5 charge.

For more information call: 954-993-1080; 954-547-9241 (Spanish).

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