Thursday, July 10, 2008

U.S. Representative Alcee L. Hastings Announces $677,000 Federal Grant for U.S. 441/State Road 7 Interchange in Lauderhill

U.S. Representative Alcee L. Hastings (D-Miramar) announced today that the U.S. Department of Transportation is awarding a $676,935 grant for the U.S. 441/State Road 7 Interchange at 11th Street in Lauderhill. The funding, which will help increase access to the new Central Broward Regional Park, including the Park’s cricket fields, regional library, and performing arts center, was secured by Representative Hastings in the Fiscal Year 2008 Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Appropriations bill.

“This grant supports the City of Lauderhill’s efforts to develop and grow while placing a special emphasis on the Regional Park and all that it offers Broward residents,” said Representative Hastings. “This interchange project is part of a larger county-wide revitalization of the U.S. 441/State Road 7 corridor on which I have been working tirelessly for years. I am so pleased that the federal government is making this necessary investment along the corridor encouraging continued growth to meet the needs of our community.”

“The interchange improvements at U.S. 441/State Road 7 are vital to the economic and cultural development of Central Broward County,” said Lauderhill Mayor Richard Kaplan. “We are grateful our Congressman Alcee Hastings has made this possible.”

“I am excited about the opportunity this affords the State Road 7 corridor and thank Congressman Hastings for obtaining the federal funds,” added Lauderhill Vice-Mayor Margaret Bates.

Representative Hastings has made improving the U.S. 441/State Road 7 corridor a top priority. In 2005, he was successful in securing federal authorization for improved mass transit along the road which made Broward County eligible for millions in federal funding to make improvements along the road. He also secured $300,000 in the House of Representatives in Fiscal Year 2007 for the interchange, though the funding was lost when Senate Republicans blocked it from becoming law.

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