Sunday, August 17, 2008

Information on Tropical Storm Fay

Dear Residents of Lauderhill,

At this point we are following the movement of Tropical Storm Fay. Presently, projectories show that it could come into our area, but it is too far off to know for sure where it may travel. The path shows that it can pass as far west as along the west coast of Florida, to over the east coast of Florida. The best information for now is that if it passes through the state, it would have an impact from mid Monday to mid Wednesday, with the closest approach on mid Tuesday. It does look like that at a minimum we will receive some wind and rain, but that also could change.

The recommendation is that since this is a weekend, it would be wise to make sure that any loose exterior landscaping, or loose objects that could fly, be disposed of/secured. Also, if there are drains in the area, that they be inspected so that they are not clogged. You may also wish to look over your emergency plans to make sure that you will be prepared in the event Fay does approach our area, i.e., food, water, batteries, etc. It is easier to plan ahead, then to wait until everyone else is trying to do the same thing at the same time.

The best course of action is to be prepared. Also, if you are doing any work around your house, you need to be careful about it. Don't hurt yourself, and get help if you need it to avoid injuries.

The Broward County School District has posted an emergency hotline message about Tropical Storm Fay, 754-321-0321. They still expected to hold classes Monday, subject to further advances by Fay.

As matters develop, more postings will be made as warranted.

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