Thursday, August 07, 2008

Updated on Lauderhill

The following is some information that may be of interest concerning the ongoing activities of the city:


GO Bond - 66% of GO Bonds projects are complete. Approximately 1/2 of the money has been spent. The bond was approved by voters 11/12/04, the Official Issue Date of the bond was 8/18/05, the required completion date for projects under the GO Bond is August 17, 2010.


Commercial Blvd. Shoppes - Petsmart and Office Max are awaiting TCO finals and TCO package.

The Villas had a meeting, and they are shortly expected to submit plans to the city.

Code Enforcement issued 75 Notices of Violation and 4 tickets for the week of July 28.

The city has hired a contractor to cut the over grown grass for abandoned property around the city. Six more empty homes were found last week.


We are receiving $30,000 for grant from the Design Arts Panel for a Cultural Planning Grant. The request was for $45,000, but due to budget cuts the County only funded $30,000 for the entire year. We were the only applicant.

The Broward Alliance is co-sponsoring the joint booth at the ULI Conference in Miami coming up in October.


Completed the layout for Renaissance Park wall installation.


Meeting occurred to discuss special events at the Central Regional Park.

Working on Vehicle Accident Revenue Study

Bid was reviewed for Station 73 addition.

Staff is redesigning the Paint Palette Program.

The department, for the week of July 28, responded to 5 fire calls, 148 EMS calls, 1 hazardous condition call, 26 false calls. Average response time was under 6 minutes.


The city terminated Quality Transportation contract, and is entering into a contract with Limousines of South Florida to provide Community Shuttle Bus service in the city.

Ridership on the Community Shuttle Bus was 28,791 in May, averaging 1300/day of operation. That is up from the last report of 1200/day.

Demand response transport was 405.

A women's exercises group was started by a volunteer (Looby) at the Sports Park. See preceding article on this topic.


Ongoing Projects
* Smart Code
* Ten Year Water Supply Plan
* Lauderhill City Center DRI
* EAR Based Amendments
* LEED Certification/Green Building


Letter was received from USDOT to the police department notifying them that they had been declared the 2007-8 International Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Challenge First Place Winner for Municipalities (101-200 sworn officers).

Letter was received from the Police Chief of Maplewood, NJ, thanking Det. Robert Chifford for his assistance with locating a suspect who had been calling in numerous bogus bomb threats in his city.

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