Monday, September 29, 2008

Accomplishments and Goals

In the annual evaluation of Charter Officers, the Commission was provided with a list of city Accomplishments for the past year and Proposed Goals for the next year. The following is a partial list showing the direction of Lauderhill:

1) Obtained a settlement of approximately $1,000,000 for the city's Hurricane Wilma claim;
2) Created a comprehensive minority mentorship program in the Fire Department;
3) Expanded access and information to residents through the city radio station, e-mail, TV notices, E-government via internet to pay bills and licenses;
4) Receive $7,852,144 in grants;
5) Police Department received re-accreditation status;
6) Violent Crime Reduced;
7) Revitalizing the Sister Cities Program, and working on cultural and business exchanges with Chaguanas, Falmouth and Suzano;
8) Construction of Storm Water Pump Station- Basin B;
9) Replace fire hydrants throughout city;
10) Created a ‘Ten Year Water Supply Plan’;
11) Acquired 2 FDOT grants for $190,000 to purchase two 50 passenger buses;
12) Implemented Youth Sports after school tutoring program, and received $10,000 in reimbursement from Family Central for Kids Corner after school program;
13) Installed security cameras in all Lauderhill shuttle buses;
14) Received an excellent review from State EMS Inspector on surprise inspection;
15) Balanced Budget;
16) Successfully managed several major events at the Central Regional Park

1) Generally
a) Purchased land for a temporary fire station serving the southeast area of Lauderhill for $250,000 less than the appraised value;
b) Passed local bills to complete annexation of miscellaneous property through the legislature to clean up boundary lines of the city;
c) Award $30,000 Cultural Planning Grant, in first ever partnership with Lauderdale Lakes and Broward Center for Performing Arts to coordinate cultural assets and activities and to assisting in planning for the Lauderhill Performing Arts Center;
d) Drew down $380,000 from Redevelopment Capital Program with an expectation to draw down an additional $150,000 for city projects, and conversion of loan to grant for $3,000,000 for Prempart property;
2) Broward Estates
a) Purchased property in Broward Estates that will be developed into a park;
3) West Ken Lark
a) Completed a new neighborhood park in West Ken Lark;
b) Obtained new land on NW 31 Avenue for City park, at no cost;
c) Obtained West Ken Lark Traffic Signal (14th Street & NW 31st Avenue);
d) Replaced Tennis Court Light Poles;
e) Installed Decorative Fencing;
f) Resurfaced Tennis Court, Basketball Court;
4) St. George
a) Obtained a lease with St. George Catholic Church for additional land to expand St. George Park;
b) Resurfaced Tennis court and Basketball court at park;
c) Refurbished Playground and canopy;
d) Planted Shade Trees;
e) Installed Decorative Fencing;
f) Football/Soccer field extension;
g) Overflow Parking Lot Installation
h) Summer Literacy/Intergenerational Camp at Park, serving 60 youth and 30 seniors

1) Nearly completed the purchase of land in the east area of the city to develop a new park;
2) Improvements made to 47th Avenue Roadway and ADA walkway;
3) Making State Road 7 Intersection Improvements;
4) Implemented county-wide high school basketball league at Sadkin Center;

1) Completed a large section of Renaissance Park on 56th Ave.;
2) Removed 3 commercial activities from Renaissance Plaza, opened Arts Incubator, and expect to have 2 additional cultural organizations in place shortly;
3) Entered into an agreement with Tree Gardens Condo Association for perpetual use, at no cost, the front park area to expand Renaissance Park. City investment in the property is approximately of $150,000;
4) Roadway improvements being completed on 56th Avenue;
5) City Hall Park turf renovation
6) City Hall Park Basketball and Tennis Court resurfaced

1) Initiated improvements to Meditation Park;
2) Started construction of the New City Hall;

1) Veterans Park Turf Renovation;
2) Wastewater Conveyance Capacity Analysis for NW Region completed;

1) Create ‘Smart Code’ transect zones for State Road 7;
2) Develop and implement 3 quality new programs at Windermere Recreation Center;
3) Coordinate and implement the student athlete awards program, Sports Advancing Kids Education (S.A.K.E.);
4) Coordinate the 50th Anniversary celebration;
5) Implement the new ‘Minority Mentorship Program’ in the Fire Department;
6) Westwind Park Turf Renovations;
7) Construction of Westwind Community Center;
8) Install and Deploy GPS tracking for city vehicles;
9) Obtain additional funding through: New Markets Tax Credits; revised TIF, newly funded RCP and other sources;
10) Expand the Enterprise Zone to include west of 441;
11) Complete renovations of Renaissance Plaza and redevelopment of old City Hall and Hani Sites;
12) Complete new City Hall;

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