Thursday, October 23, 2008

Eight Years Later


  1. Yes, thank you Democratic controlled congress!!!

  2. Why are you censoring posts that point out that the gas price spike and other economic problems were brought to us in the past 2 years by a democrat controlled congress?

    Your blog is nothing more than cheap partisan politics. Remember what happened the last time the 'Pied Piper' played his song.............

  3. I am not censoring. I'm posting, just like you just did. I haven't received any other contrary comments until now.

    Personally, I believe that both parties have to share the blame, since neither has resolved any of the long term problems of our nation. No matter who is in charge. No one seems to have the answer, except to say that the other party doesn't have the answer.

    I only wish that, and its probably wishful thinking, rather than deal in fighting over control, they bite the bullet and fix problems.
