Saturday, October 25, 2008

Notes of Commission Workshop of October 20

On October 20, the City Commission held a Regular Workshop Meeting. The following are notes of interest from that meeting:

1. 2009 STATE LEGISLATIVE PREVIEW - State has another budget shortfall, and it is expected to continue. Special session may be necessary just to get through to the next legislative session. They used non-recurring dollars to cover recurring costs, and it didn't get them through. Now those funds are not available to use again. Money will be very tight. However, money from the federal government will be more available than the State, and a federal component is important. Energy and water will be big issues in the legislature.

2. PRESENTATION BY INTEREST COMMITTEE FOR FLORIDA CARIBBEAN GAMES - Explanation of the development of the games. Also, a presentation to add to the Central Regional Park a track & field and football/soccer field on the 2 east fields of the park. Cost estimates run from $3 million with 1000 seats, to almost $5.4 million with 5000 seats. During special events, temporary seats could occur to bring seating up to 10,000. The project is expected to be phased in. The expected date of the Florida Caribbean Games is May 2010. It was requested for the City to support this development and make it a priority. By Consensus, the Commission all agreed to support to the next level. It was noted that Community support is crucial to this process to pursue this further.

3. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER ON NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM GRANTS (REQUESTED BY MAYOR RICHARD J. KAPLAN). The City Manager advised on the law, and the time constraints. It requires the funds to be obligated within 18 months, and expended within 4 years. The deadline for applying for the funds by the city is December 1 through a consolidated plan amendment. Eligible projects are purchasing and redeveloped foreclosed property, establishing land banks, demolishing blighted abandoned structures and redevelop, purchase property through short sales discounts and resale, and others. It can not be used for foreclosure prevention. Staff will put together a plan quickly so that we can approve a timely application by the end of November.

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