Thursday, December 04, 2008

Donate Your Toys To The Needy

Again this year, the Fire-Rescue Department is supporting the PALS effort to help our residents in need. Starting Monday, 12/01/08 through12/15/08, we will be collecting food and toys for the holiday season.

If you would like to help, we will be accepting new / unwrapped toys and NON-PERISHABLE food items until Monday, 12/15/08, in time for distribution on Wednesday, 12/17. Sorry, we will not be able to accept any items after Monday, 12/15. To donate, you may take items to any of our FOUR fire stations:

Station 57 (Headquarters - 1980 NW 56 Ave.)
Station 30 (1181 NW 41 Terr, - right next to the Sadkin Center)
Station 73 (7801 NW 50 St - In front of Veteran's Park)
Station 110 (3120 NW 12 Place - Our newest station, on NW 31st Ave & NW12th Place)

Or, if you would like to donate and cannot make it to one of our stations, please call me and I will make arrangements to have things picked up (954-730-2950). Here's wishing you and yours a safe and healthy holiday season.

Tim Hautamaki
Assistant Fire Chief
Lauderhill Fire-Rescue

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