Saturday, January 10, 2009

What Should I Do In 2010?

By Mayor Richard J. Kaplan

One of the most often asked questions I have been asked recently is, whether or not I am running for re-election as Mayor in 2010? The answer I have been giving, and this is honestly the answer, “I don’t know?” I have had some leanings, but sometimes I lean back the other way. However, I have said that I would make a decision in 2009.

Well 2009 is here, and soon I will make this decision. When I do, I will let everyone know. But, in the meantime, I do want to relate what I have told others my options are, what I have been thinking, and what others have been urging me to do.

First, there is always the possibility that I chose not to run at all, but to retire. I have served for over 20 years, and that is a long time. Compound that with the overwhelming vote of the people for term limits, and it is clear that residents do not want elected officials to serve forever. The problem has been is this option has not met with almost any support nor enthusiasm, even when faced with their recent vote(which many didn’t want to apply to the Mayor). In fact, many have become upset at the mere mention of it, and have encouraged me not to make it a consideration. I appreciate this vote of confidence.

Next, I could run for County Judge in 2010. This has received some support, and it was pointed out that if I am unsuccessful in the Primary, then I could always decide to run again for Mayor. However, running for judge is both a difficult, expensive and challenging decision. It would also require me to give up many of the interests that I have in public policy. Transportation, green initiatives, redevelopment, and others areas would no longer be in the domain of a judge to create. But then new doors of interest would open.

Lastly, I could run for Mayor again, which has received the strongest support. Still there are future options to that prospect that I have been urged to consider. If I am the Mayor (or not, though it is more likely it would be while being the Mayor), in 2012, two seats for other offices will open that many would consider me qualified for, State Representative and County Commission.

Both are subject to reapportionment, and there is no guarantee what district I would be written into, nor what areas of Lauderhill would be included in those districts. Either prospect would require me to resign before the end of my term. So there is something at risk.

If I ran for one of those seats, I would want as much of my city to be included. I have enjoyed representing Lauderhill, and would like to continue that along with whatever other cities that would comprise the district. What is nice about this prospect is that a decision on 2012 would not have to be made immediately, but can be in the back of my mind.

State Representative would still allow me to be involved in areas I have interest in, but at a different level. Already, long before 2012, I have become involved in drafting and supporting state legislation. This legislation session I wrote HB 119 on creating a State-wide Mortgage Foreclosure Registry. The difficulty of serving on a state level is the distance from my home, family and work. This is a common issue among many that have considered this option.

Being a County Commissioner is a different story. It is local, involves many of the same issues as what we see in the cities, and is something I am much more versed in. Particularly as it relates to transportation, environment and financial matters. This position is one that many have told me that would make sense for me to do. One where I feel that I could make a difference in how the county relates to our daily lives, working cooperatively with cities.

But don’t jump to conclusions since I still have time to think this through. Time will tell what I do, and input from those that I have worked with and for is important too. I have provided a survey to find out what you think. So let me know. And when I know the answer, I’ll let you know.

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