Friday, March 13, 2009

The Federal Stimulus Bill and Lauderhill

A few weeks ago the President signed a new Federal Stimulus Bill (ARRA), providing significant funding to a variety of government, public and private programs. The City of Lauderhill, being a direct entitlement city, is a recipient of these funds. One of the requirements of the bill is to, as quickly as possible, stimulate the economy by getting the funding out, and spending it quickly.

The bill provides a variety of possible sources of funds, and a very limited description on how the funds are to be spent from each category. This is posing a challenge to governments, including Lauderhill. However, with the incredible coordination of city staff, we are working to obtain every dollar we are entitled to, and to do this as quickly as the federal government requires.

The city is not qualified for every source, and beyond a few areas, it is very unclear as to whether we will receive funding. To date, we have sorted out some of it. What we know right now is that we are going to receive:

Byrne JAG Law Enforcement Grant $264, 217
CDBG $219,266

While we haven't been told exactly how much, we are expecting to receive funds through the MPO to build 9 Bus Shelters around the city. We also expect to get an unknown amount of funding for an Energy Block Grant program. Plans on Energy Grant are ongoing, even though we do not know how much they may be, when they must be spent by, and what are the guidelines for spending it. However, given the time constraints, we want to be prepared to move as quickly as possible

Competitive grants that we are applying for are to build a new Fire Station on 31st Ave., possibly additional funds from the Energy Block Grant and funds to build our Reverse Osmosis Water Plant. At this time it is too difficult to project much more, but as matters develop more announcements will be made.

There is also a grant program for weatherization available directly to homeowners. Little information is available on this program, except it will be run through the State. There are certain limitations on income levels to qualify.

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