Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm OK. Are You?

It was brought to my attention that several people have been worried for me. You see, last Thursday I had some surgery at Florida Medical Center to fix my nose so I can breath. The Doctor said it was pretty bad and needed to be done. The post surgery report confirmed he was absolutely correct. So to ease concerns, I was asked to put something on my web page to explain the situation, and avoid further worry.

As you would expect, I notified those that needed to know, so that matters could be attended to in my absence. They were also updated on my recovery. Vice Mayor Benson conducted a Commission Meeting. Unfortunately, I could not attend a funeral of a close resident of our city, Sol Siegler, who just passed away. Fortunately, while I was up for it, like now, I have been in limited phone contact, and quite a bit of Internet contact, with anyone who contacted me, including residents. Therefore, I still have been able to keep in touch and get a lot of work done.

At this point, for those that were concerned, I am fine and recovering quickly as expected. I will be returning back to work with a limited schedule Thursday and Friday. By next week, I will run a full schedule.

I appreciate those that contacted me to ask how I was doing, and for those that expressed concern for me. Thank you.

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