Thursday, May 07, 2009

Crime Rate in Windemere Goes Down Greatly

Over the last few years, the City of Lauderhill has put a lot of resources into reducing the crime in the Central Area of Lauderhill. Particularly in the Windemere Condominium area, where crime was quite high.

Additional patrols, more code enforcement, purchase and repairing of residential units by the Lauderhill Housing Authoriting, the creation of the Lauderhill CRA, creation of the Windermere Community Center, and a Police Youth Program, are just some of the activities put into place. Other future actions include the creation of a Safe Neighborhood District, which will result in a gated community with a manned 24 hour guard gate.

Though early, the crime reduction results are promising. From 2007 to 2008, crime statistics in the Windemere Project area show calls for service were reduced from 1,303 to 628. A 48% reduction. Disturbance calls were reduced by 48%, Burglaries down 90%, and robberies down 91%. These reductions are significant, and shows that the steps Lauderhill are taking work.

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