Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fourth Annual Hurricane Expo and Open House

Broward County residents will have the opportunity to witness a simulated activation exercise and see first-hand how County Government responds in an emergency at the County's Fourth Annual Hurricane Expo and Open House on Friday, May 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Emergency Operations Center, 201 N.W. 84th Ave. in Plantation.

The simulation is part of a state hurricane exercise to ensure that government throughout Florida is prepared to respond to issues that would arise from a Category 5 hurricane approaching South Florida. The exercise will test alert and notification procedures, public information, evacuation plans, sheltering operations and resource management.

In addition to the simulated activation, residents will be able to tour the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the County's mobile command vehicle. This free event will also offer an exhibit area where residents can receive valuable information on how to prepare for the upcoming hurricane season. Experts from County and community agencies will be on hand to show residents how to be Ready. Set. Safe. in 2009.

The exhibit area will be located on the third floor of the EOC and will be set up in five different “zones” covering Preparedness, Recovery, Animal Care, Human Services and Transportation.

Available at the Expo will be free copies of Broward County's Official Hurricane Preparedness Guide and the popular Shopping Guide in English, Spanish and Creole. The County's hurricane preparedness Web site, www.broward.org/hurricane, is also now available in English, Spanish and Creole, and includes specific information on preparations for the disabled.

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