Friday, June 08, 2012

Mayor's Goals for 2012 and Update from Mayor's Goals from 2011

I was going through some of my old articles and trying to get myself better organized.   From that I made some lists.  When I make lists it helps me be better organized, and provides benchmarks on how I am progressing.

Last year I did a list, with updates, of goals I was trying to accomplish during the year.  From the last update, reprinted below, I have added the comments on how successful I was, followed by my goals for 2012:

1) PACE - Complete setting up the program, and arrange financing.

While we had some businesses interested, no business to date has come forward to utilize this new tool.  The company that was looking to do it was sold and the new buyers want to go ahead with improvements without using this program.  

We are also still trying to expand the concept of using Performance Contracting for the city, but due to governmental requirements, it has been slow going but hopeful.

2) Continue developing Sister City Programs.

I visited Fuiggi, Italy in June, at my own expense, and though it has not led to a sister city relationship yet, we are still keeping in touch.  Whether it goes forward will depend upon the Lauderhill Sister City organization.  Our Sister City organization is still working with established Sister Cities on different programs.  However, due to issues brought up by the Broward Code of Ethics, it has made it difficult to determine how to handle certain situations in developing business relationships.  One of which caused me to have to cancel on a business trip to Trinidad to meet with governmental and businesses to be promoted in Lauderhill.   Similarly we are trying to work out the same type of problem in conjunction with our Jamaica Sister City.

3) Implement GREENROADS into the MPO Plan.

The MPOAC, which I chair, received a GREENROADS presentation. The program seeks to establish green saving concepts to transportation construction and system. Staff is seeing how we can incorporate the concepts throughout Florida.  At this time we may be able to do the same concept without the expense of the program.

4) Creating a GREEN EXPO in the last quarter of 2011.

This program took place in November and on many levels was very successful.  On attendance, it was hoped to be better, but overall we were satisfied that the event took place.  Initially we were hoping to make it an annual event, but because of the Broward Code of Ethics, we found that the situation became problematic, and that to work with the potential exhibitors and sponsors may cause inadvertent violations of the Code.  So it will not be repeated in 2012.  It is possible for the event to go forward if done by a private organization, without the city's direct involvement.  But I as Mayor could not help run it.

5) Set up the 2011-2012 Jazz Concert Series.

We successful held the 2011-2012 Jazz Picnic in the Park series for the 4th season.  The Inverrary Association and the Mental Health Association of South Florida sponsored the event which was a shortened season.  See Goals for 2012 below for an update on the next season.

6) Investigate whether a Federal Procurement Incubator can be created.

This did not come to be as hoped.  The parties I was trying to work with decided to go another direction.

7) KIDS DAY - July 2.

This program occurred on July 9,and was very successful.

8) Create a City Blanket.

The City Blanket was delivered late last year and are available for promotion of the City.  There are specific criteria on when they may be given out.  One way is to be used for a Fund Raiser by a Lauderhill organization.    If anyone is interested is obtaining one to promote Lauderhill, please let me know.

9) Arrange funding for the 2012 Unitown Program ($1000) and 2012 Lauderhill Educational College Scholarship ($2000).

Funding for the 2012 Unitown Program ($750) and Lauderhill College Essay Scholarship ($1000) was secured.  Additionally, funding for 2013 has been secured as well ($500 for Unitown) and $1000 for the Scholarship.  More information is available at

10) College/Graduate Student Paid Internship Program.

I have developed a program to have college and graduate student work for me on a part-time basis for a semester. Applications were sent to Universities around the country.  This program is continuing and Aida just completed the Winter Semester and Sara is my Summer Intern.  Sara is presently working on who will be the Fall Intern.  More information can be found at

11) Developing a System for All Electric Community Shuttle Bus Systems.

SEFTC, at my urging, is trying to develop a pilot program with other transportation partners, to convert all Community Shuttle Buses to All Electric, Hydrogen Electric or CNG (natural gas), systems. The reason is that as the cost of gasoline rises, so does the cost of operating a gasoline vehicle. It is projected that moving away from gasoline buses it would reduce the cost of operation.

Related to this program is the installation of Car Charging Stations, which also may be used by the public. At this time, I am also working with a company and the City of Lauderhill, to install the first Car Charging Station in the city, probably at City Hall. There is expected to be no cost to the city for this station.

This goal is still be pursued.

12) Other Green Programs.

I was working with the Broward League of Cities to develop an inexpensive green building designation program and a green grant application.  Unfortunately, as of this time, the program, as proposed, has not been accepted, and maybe revised in the future.

13) Creating a New City Map

This New Updated City Map was completed in the last quarter of 2011 with the sponsorship of North Shore Medical Center - FMC Campus.  It is now available for distribution, and can be found in numerous sites around the city, including City Hall and the Lauderhill Regional Chamber.


1) GREEN ISSUES:  PACE - Continue to work with the program and seek businesses that may be interested;  Pursue the use of Performance Contracting in improving Energy Conservation in Lauderhill; Continue to work towards a Universal Fare Card in Southeast Florida and possible throughout Florida; Implement the Broward Blvd. Transit Program and Central East-West Transit Program; Conduct research to try and find more fuel efficient firetrucks (firetrucks get between 2 to 4 MPG.  Any improvement in fuel consumption will have a major positive fiscal impact on the city); Require new single family housing to be built with solar and car charging capabilities.

2) Continue developing Sister City Programs.

3)  Arrange the 2012-2012 Jazz Picnic In the Park Concert Series 5th Season.  Already we have secured enough funding through sponsorship/grants to go forward with a season of 5 concerts.  Sponsorship packages are still being worked out.  The concerts will be on the 2nd Sunday of each month from December, 2012 through April 2013.  More information can be found at

4)  Setting up the program for the 2013 Lauderhill College Essay Scholarship.  Applications will be posted in the last quarter of 2012.

5)  Continuing the College/Graduate Student Paid Internship Program.

6)  Developing a System for All Electric Community Shuttle Bus Systems.

7)  Create a Social Media Policy for the City.  Actually this one is almost done.  I presented it at a workshop earlier this year to the Commission.  Both this item and the redesign of the city's web site came from several programs I attended at the National League of Cities Conference last year.

8)  Redesign the entire city web site to make it current and more user friendly.  It is to have particular emphasis on economic development, provide current information for residents and businesses, and be interactive.  A PowerPoint presentation was given by me earlier this year to the City Commission, and the city is going forward in the redesign.

9)  Give Seminars to the Public on "How Much Are Your Appliances Costing You?"  The seminar includes information about the city's Interest Free Energy Loans.   Already I have given the seminar 3 times this year and we are considering allowing the Loans to be used for businesses in addition to residents.

10)  Start developing a new "Tell the Mayor Survey."

11)  Work with Lauderhill Middle School and the YMCA "Living Well Lauderhill," to develop a program of safety involving the Overpass on the Turnpike.  Also, to work on an Anti-Bullying Program.

12)  Work on implementing the Bikeways system.

13)  Research trying to create an Accelerator Program for businesses to compliment our Incubator Program.

This is only a partial list containing highlighted items.  As the year goes by, goals will be adjusted as attained, modified or discontinued.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mr. Mayor,

    I am leading the beginning stages of a campaign to create awareness about the upcoming (November 6th) vote on Florida's Amendment 4. This is a constitutional amendment that would cap yearly property rate tax increases at 5% instead of the current 10%. Our website for this campaign is We are looking to both inform about and support this bill throughout Florida.

    Part of our campaign strategy is to create a buzz about A4 throughout the Florida political blogging world. Yours was high on our list due to your quality material and frequent updates.

    Would you be willing to write a post (or more) regarding the A4 proposal so that your readers are made aware of this legislation and have the chance to gain information regarding its contents and potential affect?

    We'd ask that you include a link to our site ( as a way to gain more information about the bill. We are also trying to drive traffic to our social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter ("like" us on FB at and follow us on Twitter @AssetsTaxedOFF).

    If you'd like, you can take a supportive stance, or can simply write the post as a news/informative piece. This is major political news, and will impact the entire state of Florida. While our campaign supports this amendment, we certainly don't expect you and your blog to.

    A4 would:
    -cap property tax increases at 5% instead of 10% annually
    -benefit the housing market and Florida's economy
    -relieve Florida residents of some of their tax burden in this weak economy

    Like I said, our goal is to reach out into the blogging world and alert people about this bill and give them the resources to make an informed decision.

    Thank you for your consideration on our proposal and for your time.

    Have a nice day,

    Brady Cremeens
