Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cricket Brings Revenue to City and County

On June 30 and July 1, the first internationally sanctioned game between the West Indies and New Zealand took place at the Central Regional Park in Lauderhill.  Thousands of tickets were sold and it was a great sporting success.

By just as importantly, is the fiscal impact.  The concern being whether the facility was worth the investment. Will it sell tickets and fill up our hotels and restaurants?

Well, some of the results are in, and fiscally it appears that it is also a success.

While hotel rooms are being totaled (over 800 rooms were previously reported before the event), Ticketmaster shows that almost 60% of the tickets sold on its web site were from out of state.  Numerous restaurants in the area have reported significant increases in patronage.

As more information about the event becomes available, this site will be updated.

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