Friday, September 14, 2012

Lauderhill Mayor Richard Kaplan - a Finalist for GalaVerde 2012 LEEDership and Green Awards

On September 15, at the Hyatt Regency Pier 66 in Ft. Lauderdale, The South Florida Chapter of the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) will host the third annual GalaVerde Awards Banquet. The awards will recognize and honor those outstanding projects, inspirational businesses, dedicated individuals, and instrumental Chapter members who are leaders in ensuring the future holds a more sustainable built environment in our community. Over 400 attendees are expected to attend.

The USGBC is an organization dedicated to educating and promoting the benefits of sustainable, energy efficient buildings.

Mayor Richard J Kaplan is a Finalist for the “Outstanding Green Elected Officials” among other locally elected officials from Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and St. Lucie Counties.

“It has always been a passion of mine to figure out how to reduce the City’s carbon footprint as well as save us money,” explains Mayor Kaplan.

The City of Lauderhill has been at the forefront of many green initiatives, largely in part thanks to Mayor Kaplan. He has sponsored many resolutions and initiated several programs that help residents, businesses, and even the City become more conscious of the environment. See to better understand the variety of initiatives that make Lauderhill a Green city with the Mayor’s help.

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