Friday, March 01, 2013

Appointments to City Boards are Available

The City of Lauderhill could not operate without the dedications of volunteers who serve on our many city boards.  While a small stipend is paid per meeting, it is the time and effort put into these boards that makes a difference in our lives.  Often when an issue by a resident comes up, the responsibility or resolution is handled by one of these boards.

To keep these boards operating, the City is in need of additional volunteers to serve.  Most boards have vacancies and if you wish to show your community involvement in making that difference, please contact our City Clerks Department for a list of positions.  Their phone number is 954-730-3010.  Also positing on positions are on the city's web site,

If you are interested in serving (and some boards to have specific requirements), please submit a letter of interest and your resume.

Some of the City Boards
Planning and Zoning (Local Planning Agency) who also reviews changes to City Code
Code Enforcement Board
Recreational Advisory Committee
Arts, Cultural and Tourism (ACT) Board
Public Arts Board
Pension Boards for several departments
Civil Service Board
Lauderhill Housing Authority
Educational Advisory Board
Local Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
Nuisance Abate Board
Unsafe Structures Board

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