Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lauderhill Crime Rate Goes Down 5.1% in 2012

Florida Department of Law Enforcement statistics have been released for 2012 and Lauderhill's overall crime rate of Total Index Offenses went down 5.1%. 

In specific catagories, the rate went down in several areas.  Murder down 11.1%, Forcible Sex Offenses down 12.5%, Forcible Rape down 13.6%, Robbery down 11.7%, Aggravated Assault down 5.1%, Burlary down 7.5% (specifically Forced Entry down 12%), and Larceny down 1.2% (specifically Pocket Picking down 89.1% and Purse snatching down 53.8%).

However in specific catagories, rates went up.  Burglary No Force Entry up 2.3% and Attempted Entry up 24.1%.   Also, Shopifting is up 106% which is significant. 

What the statistics shows that securing of property is a deterent, and crime has gone down.  In those circumstances where it is a crime of opportunity, it has gone up.

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