Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Mayors Day of Recognition for National Service

             Along with other mayors across the nation in their own municipalities, Mayor Kaplan has issued a Proclamation of the City of Lauderhill proclaiming April 9, 2013 as “National Service Recognition Day” in honor of this year’s first-ever Mayors Day of Recognition for National Service. 

This debut initiative is led by the President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Mayor Michael Nutter of Philadelphia, in association with the Corporation for National & Community Service (the federal agency that oversees AmeriCorps and Senior Corps, among others), Cities of Service, and other organizations. 

The Mayors Day of Recognition for National Service is one way for local leaders, like Mayor Kaplan here in Lauderhill, to honor those members of the community that devote their time and effort to serve others. Through volunteerism in food banks, homeless shelters, schools, and elsewhere, national service participants have taken on an important role in helping to address some of the greatest challenges that face cities and towns country-wide. National service is a fundamental and invaluable element of community-building, and we here in the City of Lauderhill are extremely grateful to all of those who so selflessly serve the people. 

On April 9, 2013, we hope everyone in Lauderhill will join together in recognizing these participants and expressing gratitude for their service.

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