Friday, May 03, 2013

Ridership Up on Lauderhill Community Shuttle Buses

For the first 6 months of the city's new fiscal year (starting October 2012) ridership on all 7 Community Shuttle Buses are up significantly.  Due to a grant, the city waived the ridership fee and added 2 new routes serving the new southeast area of the city (east of 441) which has been increasing in ridership since starting last October.

Over 6 months over 187,000 passengers have ridden.  The following is some stats of ridership over those 6 months:

Route #1 - 33,544 passengers with 131.9 passengers/hour - 24.3 passengers/hour in March
Route #2 - 34,271 passengers with 134.6 pass/hr - 23.6 pass/hr in March
Route #3 - 31,581 passengers with 124 pass/hr - 24.8 pass/hr in March
Route #4 - 28,662 passengers with 112.6 pass/hr - 21.3 pass/hr in March
Route #5 - 33,562 passengers with 132.5 pass/hr - 25.4 pass/hr in March
Route #6 - 15,158 passengers with 79.3 pass/hr - 16.2 pass/hr in March
Route #7 - 10.863 passengers with 58 pass/hr - 16.4 pass/hr in March

NOTE:  County guidelines requires in excess of 8 passengers/hour, which each route exceeds by 2 to 3 times the required minimum.

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