Monday, September 23, 2013

Lauderhill Mayor Wins USGBC Most Outstanding Green Elected Official for 2013

On September 21 at the US Green Building Councils Gala Verde Awards Dinner, Lauderhill Mayor Richard J Kaplan won the prestigious Most Outstanding Green Elected Official for 2013.  It is the first time a city official has won the award.

The 17 awards in a variety of areas are given to recognize and honor those outstanding projects, inspiration businesses, dedicated individuals, and instrumental Chapter members who are LEEDing the way to a more sustainable built environment in our South Florida community.


  1. Mayor Kaplan,

    It is great that you were awarded such an honor but what have you done about the crime in the city? Have you read the articles printed by your own police department. All that crime please put your efforts to protecting us and no about solar energy.

    Jack Reynolds

  2. We have done a lot, but most recently we are about to approve a new budget which includes hiring 5 more officers. We are also working to place SRO officers in our elementary schools.

    While it is hard to believe, crime is down in Lauderhill. But still we do have areas of the city that continue to struggle with crime.

    The city is a complex collection of many issues and problems. We work on all of them, and not just target a few. They are often interrelated, and only by doing what we do can we make our city better.
