Friday, October 11, 2013

City of Lauderhill Commission and Broward County Commission Meet to Discuss Resolving Dispute over Annexation

On October 3, at the Central Regional Park, both Commissions of the City of Lauderhill and Broward County, met to discuss the possibility of how to resolve an ongoing dispute concerning the Annexation of St. George, Swap Shop and West Ken Lark in 2005.

At the time of Annexation, Agreements and other discussions had taken place to provide for the transfer of county assets to the City of Lauderhill.  A dispute developed as to the transfer of the water and sewer system.  To date, though the residents in these areas are in Lauderhill, their water and sewer is controlled by Broward County.  

The City of Lauderhill authorized the implementation of legal action to settle these disputes.  Under Chapter 164, before proceeding in Court, Florida Law requires the Staffs meeting to discuss settlement, followed by the Elected Bodies of each government to meet to discuss settlement.  If no agreement is met, then the parties must enter in Mediation.  Following Mediation, if no settlement is obtain, then Lauderhill may then proceed in Court.

On October 3 the two Commissions met and several proposals were given by both sides, but neither side could agree to a settlement.  It was decided that the respective Staff's would continue to discuss resolution for an additional 60 days (ending approximately December 3).  If still unsuccessful, then it is declared no agreement could be obtain and they would continue onto Mediation.

Ultimately the City Commission has already advised that they will proceed to litigation if the settlement discussions do not result in a agreeable solution.

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